


BlendOS is an Arch-based Linux distro focusing around running packages from multiple distros and Android --


audio applications

So I have a few Audio applications that will need access to direct and USB connected Audio Interfaces, will there work fine from a Container?

Macbook Broadcom wifi disappeared/unloaded

Hello, After install on my Intel Macbook Wifi was working, but seemed to just drop randomly after downloading a new splash page. It is a Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 according to the Apple System Information. Is there a way to get the device to reinstall? I have tried running through the command found in the Arch Wiki (,x#Internet). but no joy. Any further ideas, or if there is something that I'm missing? Thanks...

WPS Office not starting

Hi! Newbie here! Using latest blendos (just love the concept of this os) version with gnome and a new installation. I have tried to install WPS office on three different containers (fedora, ubuntu, arch) and tried both the official .deb package and the .rpm package as well as the aur package. There is no problem installing, and the icons show up but nothing happens when starting. When executing wps from the terminal inside the containers there is no error message, it just stops right after it is...