


blendOS is Arch Linux, made immutable, declarative and atomic.


Updates reinstall every app and take forever

It makes sense it takes very long to update since i have quite a few packages to install but blendos is seemingly reinstalling every single package I list in system.yaml? Am I using this wrong? Whenever I want a new package I put it into system.yaml then run sudo akshara update. With nixos I could just rebuild my system and it would take much less time while only installing and updating stuff that needs to be installed and updated...
the package data is cached so future builds won't take as long

Programs in containers won't launch from .desktop file

I don't think I've changed anything, but programs in containers now won't launch from their .desktop file. I can still run them from my shell. .desktop file: ``` [Desktop Entry]...
@ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ update: apparently updating fixed it
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issues switching to gnome track from plasma track

Plasma packages are still installed and on login plasma Wayland and plasmashell open in a window In gnome
use default-gnome

paru error

I just updated my system (gnome track) and it seems that the version of paru installed needs and because it is missing, it can not install AUR packages anymore.? Does anybody have a suggestion? paru: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...

Can we make akshara run 'grub-mkconfig' only if grub is installed?

I have a deep deep seething hatred for grub that started back in the opensolaris days. I run systemd-boot or refind on all my machines. Can we make the exec call to grub-mkconfig in akshara be configurable based on the presence of grub packages in the expanded system.yaml or perhaps run as a hook? I am a python developer and would be happy to code this up and send over an MR.

Issue with installing AUR packages Duplicati and Visual Studio Code: /opt empty

I'm playing with BlendOS to see if it can be a daily driver tried to add Visual Studio Code and Duplicati, added the following to /system.yaml:
- 'visual-studio-code-bin'
- 'duplicati-beta-bin'
- 'visual-studio-code-bin'
- 'duplicati-beta-bin'
please do not file duplicate issues

Akshara TypeError when updating

I usually update every couple of days, but I haven't been on my computer in a while, but when I try to update it gives the attatched output, though the main error is: ```Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 489, in <module> command() File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 295, in update_system...
umount -l /usr && wget && sudo mv ./akshara /usr/bin/akshara
umount -l /usr && wget && sudo mv ./akshara /usr/bin/akshara

new /etc/shells is instead at /usr/etc/shells; old /etc/shells is kept

/etc/shells isn't updated when akshara runs, instead it's being put at /usr/etc/shells on account of this line in akshara.hook:
mv /new_root/.update_rootfs/etc /new_root/usr/etc
mv /new_root/.update_rootfs/etc /new_root/usr/etc

How to declaratively list the flatpak applications to install?

In BlendOS, how can we declaratively list the flatpak applications to install?
to do it declaratively, though, you could add stuff in commands to run flatpak install $THING as your user

hi was trying to get cuda toolkit and cudnn working on my blend need some help out here

Hi i was trying to get cuda toolkit and cudnn to get working on blendos installed cuda and cuda-tools 12.6 available on aur but even after installation i could not find nvcc in the entire installation any way out possible? i customized my system with plasma instead of gnome as per the instructions on your sites with the track infos got everything working teaked the system to work with my other requirements but cant get my ML projects running on it i would appriciate some help from your side on this please....

How to install the nix package manager on BlendOS?

Can the community please guide me how to use the nix package manager on BlendOS?
the install script will be able to run with full permissions, call it from system.yaml

my external displayport monitor does not work

On a fresh installation of BlendOS V4, none of the desktop environments detect my external Displayport monitor. How to fix this?
It needed two aur packages, evdi and displaylink. Followed by enabling the displaylink systemd service

Akshara loops when bpkg isn't available (likely not related to being bpkg specifically)

Under the assumption that bpkg was available as an Arch package, I tried to put it in the packages section. When running Akshara, it seemed to loop for a bit before exiting. (I understand that bpkg isn't available as a package after looking at its docs more, but I don't think this loop is the intended behavior. Additionally, to not waste time and bandwidth for other stuff to run before getting to packages/aur-packages and finding that a package doesn't exist, at the start there should be a check to see if all the packages exist before starting installation....

`visual-studio-code-bin` broken

Upon running VS Code, installed via the AUR package visual-studio-code-bin package, it prints this:
/usr/bin/code: line 11: /opt/visual-studio-code/bin/code: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/code: line 11: /opt/visual-studio-code/bin/code: No such file or directory
Use the flatpak or the tar.gz

Icons broken when app is installed from container on gnome

Is GNOME not an officially supported use-case? The website has a lot of screenshots on GNOME, I am assuming it isn't updated yet to reflect this. The fix for the issue was simple, edit StartupWMClass and remove the capital letters, but I am oh-so-sorry for wasting your very valuable time on this....
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issue explained in picture

hi everyone, sorry for being so brief, its just that i really need to make a directory in shown directory to place a file from my desktop into as im trying to get gpu passthrough working in kvm, so if any of you could help me out on this, i would really appreciate it. thanks in advance and have a nice day
Use the commands part of system.yaml to preform all operations that touch these parts of the system.
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Strange Boot Behavior v4

Every Once in a while boot gets stuck on "dev/sda2: clean xxx/xxxxx files xxx/xxxxxx blocks". It takes a few minutes then it displays some text very short and reboots. This reboot only takes a few seconds to boot into blend os. Anyone knows whats causing the first boot stuck problem? Updated a few times, over the last few weeks, still all the same.
It seems I fixed it. The simplest thing because it is documented on the official page: In there: "The plasma-track is not working". Did it so far no more failed boots. Will update here if there's still something wrong and if I get 10 or more boots now that work in a row I will consider this solved. Edit after a week: Solved, no issues at all.

Can't launch a terminal using commands

Hello, I want to create a keyboard shortcut to launch the included terminal console quickly, I tried using gnome-terminal and everything else that I found online but I can't make it work. Also tried launching it using the alt+F2 run dialog but it's still not working, what can I do?
The binary for Console is called kgx

No Android Apps (waydroid)

just fresh-installing blendOS 🫡 today & realized that there is no Andoroid App 😭 option in the "system". what should i do? is there a way to adding waydroid the way it should be? 🤔
Solution: ignore package install, this is done for you, just run the commands

virt-manager refuses to communicate with o. s.

When I try to connect the qemu/kvm thing it always throws an error shown in this picture: ...
so you need to enable libvirtd and edit the libvirtd config
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