


BlendOS is an Arch-based Linux distro focusing around running packages from multiple distros and Android --


Keymap isn't preserved after install preventing input of LUKS passphrase on non-English keyboards

Hi, Yesterday I tried my first install using the latest 4636db55 version. I'm using a French azerty keyboard, which I had to change in GNOME settings just to be able to connect to wifi. Then I went on with the install and selected automated partitioning with LUKS for encryption. I input my passphrase using accented characters, made sure it was alright and rebooted at the end. ...

Updated system and it booted to Rootfs.

Hi, yeah no idea why but when I updated my system it booted into the Rootfs screen with the error "'/dev/disk/by-label/' device did not show up properly after 30 seconds... falling back to interactive prompt You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished sh: can't access tty: job control off" So yeah no clue. This has normally happened when I try to edit the system.yaml file. But this is an entirely clean install kind of. I have not edited the system.yaml at all I have just used it as normal. Installed a few apps from the flatpack store, and tried to update my system after I learned there was an Nvidia driver update that fixed a screen flicker issue I was having in Minecraft. Using Blendos V4. Updated from the system app. Installed Minecraft through prism launcher flat pack doubt that matters. I have an arch and Ubuntu container, The arch container is the only one used, and it literally only has Freeciv. Ubuntu has nothing....
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"gnome-initial-setup" user

Hey, I am on Blend OS v4 now. Nice really. After setting track to kde Plasma I get my user and another "gnome-initial-setup" user. What does that mean? Would like to see only my user and not the gnome one.
this is a remanent of the initial blendOS installation which use GNOME and for which there is a wizard to help you set a few parameters like timezones etc. on your first login. It can be safely deleted with sudo userdel -r gnome-initial-setup, with -r to remove its /home folder at the same time.

certificate has expired

hello. i get a weird error when i try to install flatpak with sudo akshara update. this is the error message. ...
Change repo in system.yaml to a backup repo for now (they’re listed here:

no sound

i get no sound in blendOS. how can i fix this? i'm using the latest version with blend-base and hyprland. Dell Inspiron 5515....

Installation completes but GRUB doesn't show an entry to boot into the newly installed system

blendOS.iso downloaded from Master Build Server mirror (4636db55) on 2024-06-24 Loaded on a USB drive with sudo dd if="blendOS.iso" of="/dev/sda" bs=4M status=progress as per the installation guide ( Booted on a UEFI system. Ran the installer, target is NVMe drive /dev/nvme1n1. On first attempt, installation fails instantly as the drive has an existing partition and the installer is incapable (bug?) of simply wiping the selected drive on its own....
I guess it won't be possible to install the distro unless the mirror is back up, seems the iso is just not ready for public use yet

gnome extension

i can't install a Gnome extension called Open Bar. i did install the browser extension but when i go to and search for Open Bar and click it, there's an install button but when i click it, nothing happens so how do i install Open Bar or any Gnome Extensions?...
Try installing it manually as described on the github.

Is it possible to instal qemu kvm on BlendOS?

I understand that BlendOS is built with Podman containers. I would like to know if it is possible to install QEMU KVM on BlendOS as well?
Thank you, I was able to install QEMU on BlendOS by adding -qemu-full to system.yaml and running sudo akshara update.

Failed to mount /boot/efi

After updating using Akshara it's now unable to boot stopping here : Note: Pressing enter or Ctrl+D does nothing and system doesn't respond to NumLock or capslock Note2 : I'm using the systemd hook instead of udev...
Well I fixed it by changing the systemd hook back to udev
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Opening Links aren't working in Flatpak apps?

Hi I'm running the cinnamon track DE and I installed discord on there and also Github Desktop and I noticed the links don't even open up does anyone know what be happening up so far I tried installing
- xdg-desktop-portal
- xdg-desktop-portal
to see if that solves it but no luck yet. I have also set my preferred applications to Firefox (Arch Package version)
turned out to be this package I needed
- xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
- xdg-desktop-portal-gtk

How can I install Multilib Packages from the Multilib Repo?

Hi I understand the disabled feature of using pacman while it running given the immutable part of the distro. I am not sure how to enable the multilib repo. I tried uncommenting the two lines in the pacman.conf and running
sudo akshara update
sudo akshara update
and it didn't allow me to install the package that I wanted which steam is what I would like to install.
add it as an alternate mirror

/usr/share mutability

Hi All~! I'm trying to use sbctl to sign the kernel image for Secure Boot after it's generated in each update. Unfortunately sbctl hardcodes the path at which it stores it's database and keys as /usr/share/..., which is mounted as RO in blend. ...
If there isn’t an existing mechanism would we be willing to add something like this to akshara? Maybe as a /persist directory that gets moved into the new root early in the build

Secure download

Hello, how could I check sha256sum of iso file and is this iso file signed?
you might find what you're looking for here:

Epson xp-2150 wifi printer not working

Hello i have this this printer is not working when I click on jet direcy print or LPD printer are not loaded just 12 or 24 ink jet series nothing else regarding epson can this problem be fixed drivers need for the printers epson xp-2100 onwards but nothing is loaded up can this be fixed
Ok so you can install the foomatic and gutenprint driver packages through system.yaml
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aurora store not working blend os v4 version

downloaded blend os v4 gnome version the aurora store once installed when I click on it to open it crashes I cant even open while the f droid works fine any help
it's an upstream Aurora issue with Waydroid

Boot problem with manual partitioning

I have tried several times to install the OS with manual partitioning, with a boot partition, I tried once formatted and once without formatting along with another OS, and a formatted system partition. All in the Blend OS installer application itself. Yesterday @ム丂イ乇尺ノ丂ズ told me that this was fixed in the latest version 4636db55 but the result for me is the same. Any information you can give me I will gladly provide, thanks for everything
Yup you were correct. It wasn't in the intial boot order but I went into another option where it fedora as first boot and "OS" as second boot. It's up and running. Thank you again. I guess this is going to be a case for refind after all.

Plasma track is broken

I chrooted in my system disk, edited system.yaml but akshara fails to verify the checksum
he said the package repo was rebuilt, just update
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sddm user missing in plasma track? | PLASMA ISSUES

HOW TO REPRODUCE - Downloaded the latest (4636db55) iso - Successfully installed via ventoy and rebooted - Edited system.yaml to change "default-gnome" to "plasma" - Ran akshara update successfully and rebooted...
I was investigating this bug yesterday, and the root cause appears to be akshara simply discarding the new passwd and group files. Implementing the nss-altfiles module ( to have separate system variants of those files should be viable, since akshara would then be able to replace those files during updates. I'm implementing this right now.


Any advice on how to get an openvpn client working via networkmanager? I know they are different, but openconnect worked straightaway. I know my ovpn file is good - that works on a Fedora box that I have running.
ugh - looks like PIA has issues with openssl 3.3.1, and that is where the issue lies. I was able to grab their script to manually build connections on demand from their GH page, so this can be closed - thanks for coming along for the ride with me.

Error 1101/500 in

I can't run
akshara update
akshara update
without it failing to download core.db
@limby-giga-Shakman🇪🇬 oh before that rq, to force a mirror, you'll have to add this to /system.yaml: arch-repo: '' (or any other mirror for that matter)...