Do I need to create a boot partition for blendOS?
Git package from aur build with every update
sudo akshara update
the git repo is pulled and built from scratch which takes quite some time. Is this by design? Couldn't we somehow check the revision I'd against the one from the last install...?file <</boot/amd-ucode.img>> not found
Fingerprint sensor on Thinkbook
How to make fwupd detect ESP partition?
command, e.g. fwupdmgr get-devices
, I get:
x fwupdmgr get-devices
WARNING: UEFI ESP partition not detected or configured
See for more issues
Black screen on new install
add installing on btrfs subvolumes support into the installer
Blender in Container won't boot
device did not show up after 30 seconds
How much time does it take to install?
Sway fails to start
user/blend broken stuff tracking
and blend
code and am noticing many issues, so I'm gonna track them here.How can I set this kernel parameter "amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x200"
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
, scroll down to the lower GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
and add the option there, press CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to exit and run sudo akshara update
Installation fails: `move_mount system call failed: no such file or directory`
ssh into podman containers blendos
Startup/Autostart Containers..
Binary icons in Dock when running containerized app.
Error: Read-only file system (edit hosts)