Suggestion: Run reflector before install
The default mirrors (at least for me) are painfully slow. I've been getting around this by just manually running reflector before opening the installer.
Running reflector on the latest 25 mirrors should just be a default Behavior before running installation to make sure it's running at a decent speed...
Couldnt Install AUR
Forgive me for using my phone, forgot to install spectacle and login on discord on laptop lmao
But yeah what the title said
legacy boot problem
when i try to boot in live mode this happens and stucks forever but when i boot in virtual machine, it boots perfectly. whats the problem??
package download failure
package download failure accurs after installing blend os but still says installed succesfully but cannot boot into blend os. it starts blinking cursor on the top left corner.
Apparmor support?
Been attempting to enable apparmor, I've gone through all the usual configuration but the AA status is still giving me "apparmor filesystem is not mounted"
I made sure that the package is installed, that the kernel supports it, and that the kernel boot line for enabling the LSM is there this should be working on a normal Arch installation but I assume something about the immutable system is stopping me in this case I just can't figure out what it is...
akshara can't import PyYAML
on running akshara :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/akshara", line 23, in <module>
import yaml...
Running these commands fixed it
Do I need to create a boot partition for blendOS?
Hello, I was recently tryingto install blendOS, I wanted to ask if I need to create a Boot partition (512MB / FAT32) on a UEFI (GPT) system because I already have Windows installed as well as a EFI partition.Some people with UEFI have created it and some haven't, since I don't have fast internet or a lot of time, as blendOS downloads during installation.
Well for dual booting, yeah you'll need to set up the partitions manually, with an EFI partition
Git package from aur build with every update
I've added openscad-git to my aur-packages. I realized that now, Everytime I run
sudo akshara update
the git repo is pulled and built from scratch which takes quite some time. Is this by design? Couldn't we somehow check the revision I'd against the one from the last install...?Solution:
each time you update you're making a whole new system
file <</boot/amd-ucode.img>> not found
Hi, I installed BlendOs on my laptop, with intel® Core™ i5-7300U × 4 processor, in triple boot with Win10 and Arch Linux, but when I want to enter BlendOs I get an error: file <</boot/amd-ucode.img>> not found. I do not know why it looks for that file if my processor is intel, I thank you for your support in this situation.
Fingerprint sensor on Thinkbook
Hi, has anyone got the fingerprint sensor of Thinkbook G3 working? I tried to use an AUR package which supposedly works better with Thinkbook but the system update failed with the below.
:: Conflicts found:
libfprint-tod-git: libfprint...
How to make fwupd detect ESP partition?
When I run any
command, e.g. fwupdmgr get-devices
, I get:
x fwupdmgr get-devices
WARNING: UEFI ESP partition not detected or configured
See for more issues
I just installed blend, finally. Now my audio is so quite I can barely hear it at 150%. I've searched everywhere and can't find anything to fix this.
I'd hope you guys here would be able to aid in this situation....
Black screen on new install
I just fresh installed a few days ago. I transitioned this from the GNOME environment to KDE. I was setting everything up as i usual would and now i just have a black screen. it will post, get to GRUB where i select ARCH, and when i do it just does this every time. i can't get anywhere to do or fix anything.
update: i tried to remove splash from grub by booting and hitting e in the GURB menu and that did not work either....
add installing on btrfs subvolumes support into the installer
since i use fedora 41 that is installed on a btrfs partition with subvolumes, if i need to migrate to another system, i want to make sure i can install it on a customized subvolume table without formatting all the subvolumes (so i can keep the home untouched)
fedora installer handled this easily thanks to blivet-gui partitioner
currently my subvolumes table are"
1. @ (root)
2. @home (home)...
Blender in Container won't boot
I created a new arch container and installed blender in it, it opened fine with CUDA support, Then I restarted the system and now it throws this error
device did not show up after 30 seconds
I used rufus for writing the image and selected GPT
problem was rufus, installing with etcher fixed it
How much time does it take to install?
Hey! Can anyone tell me how much time would it take to install blendOS with Waydroid and much does Waydroid weigh (after blendOS installation) Because my interent is very slow.
Yeah, the main limit is internet and disk speed; the iso is about 2.3 GB, and it downloads about 2.2 GB during installation
Sway fails to start
When starting sway via gdm, the screen goes black for a few seconds, then it crashes and goes back to gdm.
When starting it from a console, it shows that sway segfaults.
Here's my system.yaml:...
user/blend broken stuff tracking
I'm just digging through the
and blend
code and am noticing many issues, so I'm gonna track them here.