RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 2/5/2024 in #ratos-support
Restriction on Local network in custom address range in ratos 2?
thanks for the info @miklschmidt I’ll check the settings in MainsailOS & FluiddPi aswell. It’still strange that in RatOS v1 I didn’t face any issue. I’m definitely pro security measures!
8 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 2/5/2024 in #ratos-support
Restriction on Local network in custom address range in ratos 2?
thank you. This is the reason why my upgrades to ratOS 2.* has everytime failed
8 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 2/5/2024 in #ratos-support
Restriction on Local network in custom address range in ratos 2?
as long when I don’t connect to the wifi and just via the standard ratos wifi hotspot the system is accessible not via the local lan ip address. It’s kind of weird
8 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection
I believe I’ve managed to get everything working. At least klipper is showing to be green during the full installation. Tomorrow I’ll put the wiring back. I used this my IOT network of which isn’t connected to the lan and that seems to work (maybe same issue as me,tioned at the setup page of that you need internet acces after connecting to the wifi) it’s not yet 100% as I get a “?” Mark for the klipper mcu version but as the stepper.drivers etc are working, then I’m happy. Thank you for the guidance gentlemen!
22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection
Any suggestion? As when I place the sd card with ratos 1.x everythings is still working. Perhaps manualy uploading the firmware.bin via the sd card reader of the octopus board?
22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection

22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection

22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection
alright, i did try the installation over the weekend with every stepper driver removed all wiring removed expect those to the ssr and power supply. Still with the same result. Even flashed the Octopus 1.1 with a manual firmware. I do notice that int the configure screen klipper is shown ora,ge, mainsail is green. This doesn’t change. I’ve started from a fresh sd card
22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection
Okay, thanks. I’ll give it a try over the weekend. I tried to avoid this step 🙈. Just out of engineering perspective, is there a reason why you should disconnect almost everything? Doesn’t make sense in my brains 😅
22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection
Sorry forget to mention this. I’m aware of this requirement. I’ve installed it everytime from a new flashed sd cards (tried multiple cards and windows/mac os)
22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 1/22/2024 in #ratos-support
Ratos update to 2.0.2 - no Klipper connection

22 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
That’s not working as it should be. I received an error message that the board was stil in the dfu mode. But if I did a refresh I could continue to step 3
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
Okay. Thank you. Then I’ll try that one later this week. As the system keeps giving me errors when trying to go to mainsail in Step 3
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
Just a question @miklschmidt . If upgrading from v1.2 to 2.0.2. Should I disconnect all wires except power + usb. Put in a formatted sd card, when I click on flash BTT card automatically? As i assume that I can just leave in all wires etc and just pres auto flash over flash manual.
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
It needs a password of which I can't find. Thank you alredy for the support Mikl. I'm going to wait 1 or 2 iterations of version 2,x before taking another attemp.
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
I’ve tried this on my MAC osx, a win10 PC and tablet with the same odd result.
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
Correct. I’ve used firefox & safari, both with or without private mode, I can’t get out if this loading mode. I do see that the header is showing “ERROR” on the tabs
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
@miklschmidt herby the requested log
28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue

28 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Vannue on 4/27/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOs upgrade to v2.x mainsail issue
@miklschmidt i’ve tried your suggestions but I can’t get klipper in an online state after setting up the wifi connection. Even if I try to remote SSH restart klipper. I’ve tried it also with the latest beta
28 replies