Created by Whocault on 9/22/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Lunch with the FT: Anna Wintour https://on.ft.com/3rhxYH8
Even the legendary lunch with the FT can't make Anna Wintour say anything - I've lifted the text below from the comment section which pretty much sums it up. Wintour was making certain that this was not a meeting of equals, of two humans. By refusing to break bread and eat with the author, Wintour was implying "You are a mere mortal, I am a God. Go ahead, you have my permission to eat at my table in a restaurant that would not have seated you otherwise." Lunch with the FT sounds like a silly column. But if you read it every Friday you know how important the choice of restaurant, the setting, the food, the act of eating, of sharing plates, of sharing bottles, of appreciating or criticizing the wine can have in lowering the guest's guard. Go ahead and look up Sarah Fergusson's thirst for that bottle of Champagne during her trainwreck Lunch with the FT. Food and drink bring people to together. They allow people to bond and communicate at a deeper level. Oftentimes the choice of restaurant reveals a side of the guest we never knew existed, whether playful, serious, or of a past a long time ago and from a place far away. Wintour wanted none of that. Wintour endured another sterilized "interview" in a rigidly formal restaurant in a semi-private room far removed from the other mere 1 percenters. Gift link, but lmk if it runs out and I'll share text
1 replies
Created by Whocault on 8/22/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Talk me into/out of buying this
10 replies
Created by Whocault on 8/17/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Canada's corporate watchdog probes Ralph Lauren on alleged use of forced labor in China
6 replies
Created by Whocault on 8/11/2023 in #questions-and-advice
How to shop for antique jewellery?
Does anyone have a guide / some tips for shopping for antique jewellery? Both in terms of where to shop and how to learn what I'm looking at. I've recently realised that most modern stuff really isn't to my taste. Budget ultimately flexible, but to begin with I'll be looking at under £200 for a piece.
1 replies
Created by Whocault on 7/26/2023 in #fashion-discussion
1930s New Yorker article: Coco Chanel's revolutionary style
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1931/03/14/31-rue-cambon I'm still just dipping my toes in fashion history, but it's cool to read contemporary accounts of stuff. Lots of interesting echoes with today in how designers get inspiration from sports clothing, working class style, etc.
12 replies
Created by Whocault on 7/25/2023 in #brands
Margaret Howell
Thread for Margaret Howell, MHL, plywood furniture and Anglepoise lamps
8 replies
Created by Whocault on 7/20/2023 in #fashion-discussion
On the rising homogeneity of textiles in the fashion industry
https://the-rosenrot.com/on-the-rising-homogeneity-of-textiles-in-fashion-industry/ Not sure if I should put the link in the title or in here. Anyway always like reading rosenrot, especially on textiles.
6 replies
Created by Whocault on 7/18/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Options for Tapered Black Jeans £100-200
Hi all, I'm looking at options for slim/tapered black jeans. I've been having a look at these https://rivetandhide.com/3sixteen-st-220x-slim-tapered-double-black-selvedge-jeans.html for a reference, but would ideally spend a little less. Have trouble getting slim fits to work on my body (small waist, big ass) and I'm in the UK. Thanks a lot 😃
10 replies