SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 1/20/2025 in #help-using-mods
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory

20 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 1/20/2025 in #help-using-mods
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory
Geforce GTX 1650, Intel Core i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz 31.95 GB Ram
I've been playing most games well below min specs. I don't expect anything like super high graphics or amazing FPS. so long as its playable it works fine. I got 30fps on my 950 in Update 8. Now I can get 120+ in 1.0 but I still limit it to 60 and I don';t do any high end graphic settings, all is on med aside vfx, clouds, no upscaling, and I only turn lumen on when I want a few pretty screen shops or test if my factory lighting is good for when I share my map.
20 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 1/20/2025 in #help-using-mods
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory
My desktop is over 15 years old and has been running strong, I had a 950 in it before but this year I got my roommates handme down 1650. The only thign the upgrade allowed me wqas to play on medium setings instead of low 😛
20 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 1/20/2025 in #help-using-mods
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory
1. I don't have any launch options set, so its been using d12. but over 2000 hours in this game and not messing with it.. hmm.
2. done and no issues there.
3. Last update was when the new drivers came out last dec, but reinstalled to be safe.
4. That's never been enabled.
5. I never overclock, good way to turn out a video card and mines a bit old for that anyhoo. GTX 1650
20 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 1/20/2025 in #help-using-mods
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory
or the game isn't stable for some reason?
20 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 1/20/2025 in #help-using-mods
Random Crash: Warning: Remove failed, cannot remove null from inventory
Hmm.. so its my PC and not the game?
20 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by Mike75 on 1/5/2025 in #help-using-mods
Road mods
Just to give an answer, most people who build roads do it by hand. You can look up on youtube road building, some offer blueprints they have made, others just show how they made them all by hand.
One mod I could also recommend is 'auto foundation under railway'. while it's designed for well.. railways, it is also great for roads, allowing curves and smooth ramps. I've used it for my road networks and the best thing is it uses all vanilla items, so they remain even if the mods removed.
4 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by DC18049 on 12/26/2024 in #help-using-mods
Anybody have a link to a Taj's graphical overhaul video? I'm interested to see a comparison video.
To help quell any fears of running it, my system specs be
Geforce GTX 1650, Intel Core i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz 31.95 GB Ram
and I can run it on medium graphics semi alright.
I do experience some FPS drop when playing for a long period of time, but a save, exit and restart fix's it. That's me though and my potato system. But the mod does work well and gives me more fps with lumen running then I would without the mod still using lumen.
7 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by adverse-sapphire on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
also be cool if it could curve other things, like pillars, and do vertical zoop curves. making nice arches is such a pain
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by evident-indigo on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
that will be fine. granted its 8am right now. i need sleep rof..
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by absent-sapphire on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by quickest-silver on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
but it don't get far enough for the extra zooping before it starts demanding an insain amount of resources
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by flat-fuchsia on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by spiritual-aqua on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
it also is useing up way WAY to much resources when using curve. I noticed for a small curve I was needing well over 2k concreat and the curve was 10 max long.
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by gradual-turquoise on 12/2/2024 in #help-using-mods
Can only build curves going right with "Curve Builder" and keybinds dont seem to do anything (1.0)
If I may, the keybind to also change the intromits of the curve don't do anything. I can change the direction just fine, but the fine tuning of it wont do anything.
29 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by MrRik on 11/23/2024 in #help-using-mods
How to get started with mods?

16 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by Protools12 on 11/6/2024 in #help-using-mods
You have a lot of mods listed there that have not yet been updated for 1.0. If it's not updated for 1.0, then the game will crash. Make sure all mods not yet updated for 1.0 are removed and disable all mods not yet updated for the current patch.
5 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 10/29/2024 in #help-using-mods
Infinite Spline full game freeze.

21 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 10/29/2024 in #help-using-mods
Infinite Spline full game freeze.

21 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by TAiiNE on 10/29/2024 in #help-using-mods
Infinite Spline full game freeze.
I'll test it out. as for the switch issue. If I get a point where it pops up. I'll move the hub near an instance and send you the save. I tried recording and my system makes it into a 1fps slide show and is crazy x.x
21 replies