RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Steffen on 7/21/2024 in #ratos-support
uh oh in configurator v2.1.0-RC1-33 [current values]
yes, I know how to work around. Not an issue for me. Just reporting it to contribute a tiny bit to your great work.
(crashing invalidates all the steps until crash ... unhappy user experience outside RC's).
For up/down: did not check this time, might be fixed already, back on initial check I found increments in 1A too high. 0.1A would be more suitable.
19 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Steffen on 7/21/2024 in #ratos-support
uh oh in configurator v2.1.0-RC1-33 [current values]
I've fetched a new SD card, imaged 2.1 rc2 onto it. Booted. Ran update. Then went through config. opened advanced motion config. removed the Current setting. UhOh. Still happens. So not something I messed up playing around everywhere. I'd assume the code for that number box can't deal with (temporary) nothing in it.
I got the How do I get it to you securely? (onedrive link in a pm?)
19 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Steffen on 7/21/2024 in #ratos-support
uh oh in configurator v2.1.0-RC1-33 [current values]
v2.1.0-RC1-33 was the latest version offered when I opened this thread.
it's also happening with v2.1.0-RC2-0.
the configurator log ends with:
[{"code":"invalid_type","expected":"number","received":"nan","path":["current"],"message":"Expected number, received nan"}],"name":"ZodError"}
19 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Steffen on 7/21/2024 in #ratos-support
uh oh in configurator v2.1.0-RC1-33 [current values]
🙂 The drivers are from a while ago and had their cooling fins fell off during delivery. The old factory glue hid the "pro" print on the board. Discovered that on cleanup pictures after cleaning... (so ... BTT 5160T pro 1.1 which are covered by the config wizardry)
19 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by xenial-black on 6/18/2023 in #german-support
Bett heizt nicht - Fehlermeldung
Die Thermosicherung sollte separat und gut erkennbar sein (da sollte denke ich eines der SSR Kabel hingehen).
PS... theoretisch, praktisch liegen bei mir die Teile noch in der Verpackung ..
33 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by beejayf on 2/8/2023 in #fix-my-printer
Connecting a 12V 4 pin part fan
it might have moved to:
13 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Martijn Janssen on 5/14/2023 in #ratos-support
RatOS on a Prusa MK3S+
🙂 currently tinkering to get RatOS/klipper on my (modded) mk3s.
You need a raspberry PI to actually host RatOS/klipper. Installation via doc went fine for me
And you need to change DFU firmware of the einsy USB connection. I followed the trail layed out in doc which worked for me (physically you'll need to temporary connect the Pi and Einsy via 6 cables to flash)
So far went fine. Now ran into what looks to be a bug, searching if already discussed is how I looked into here 🙂
Edit: already fixed in RatOS v2.0.0-63
PS: It's listed experimental. So ... your mileage may vary...
3 replies