Jason Layton
Our server can no longer query our database
MYSQL Workbench still allows us to connect and run Queries, but our server is unable to connect. The log is saying:
sqlMessage: "Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded",
sqlState: 'HY000',
fatal: true,
originalUrl: 'mainCronJob',
Error: ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED: Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded
at Handshake.ErrorPacket (/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Handshake.js:123:18)
at Parser._parsePacket (/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:433:10)
at Parser.write (/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:43:10)
at Protocol.write (/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:38:16)
at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28)
at Socket.emit (node:domain:489:12)
at Protocol._enqueue (/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:144:48)
at PoolConnection.connect (/app/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:116:18)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at YourCustomTransport.<anonymous> (/app/dist/src/logger.js:102:61)
sqlMessage: "Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded",
26 replies
incremental database backup
Hello, I am looking for a way to incrementally backup my MYSQL database. I checked the marketplace, but everything seems to be for full dumps, as opposed to incrementally dumping only the newest changes.
I've looked into building something myself, but I will need to make sure binary logging is enabled, I will also need access to the MYSQL configuration (my.cnf file).
Can I do this with Railway? How do I get command line acceess?
Thank you.
4 replies
I've invited someone to be a member of my project, when they click the link to accept...
It says they are already a member. On my side, it says their invite is still pending. The same thing happened the last time I invited them to a project, and I needed direct assistance from Railway support to fix it. Please help, thank you.
20 replies
Looking for database backup information
Hello, I would like to figure out a better solution for backing up our database (we're currently pulling it down to a local computer every night at 4am, this is not ideal).
Does railway have any suggestions on how to use their platform to enable incremental database backup? Thank you.
8 replies
After migrating to railway's new database, we are having an issue
Hello, we migrated to the new MYSQL database from the old MYSQL database. I was told we had until the end of the month to do so. Everything seemed to work, but one of our Queries went from taking .08 seconds to taking 43 seconds. Can you please help me understand what could cause this?
37 replies
Is there a way to see Railway's outage history?
My server had a blip yesterday, and we went down for 4 minutes. Only our backend went down, not the front end, so it is likely something related to our server-side code. I've been trying to figure it out for hours, I just want to make sure it's on our end, and that you guys didn't have a temporary outage. Thank you.
12 replies
Is railway limiting my console.logs?
I've noticed that if I have too many console.logs, railway just seems to drop them. Can anyone explain what is going on here? I had a forloop performing a few hundred operations, and I was just completely losing the logs letting me know when the entire loop had completed. Thank you.
8 replies
auto scaling
Hello Railway team. In 2 weekends I expect there to be significantly more traffic on my application than normal, I'm trying to do everything I can in advance to make sure our servers can handle the demand.
The weekend I'm concerned about will experience about 4x the demand that we've serviced until now.
Our software manages competitive wrestling tournaments (youth, high school, and college), and there are typically a few hundred competitors and their families present at each event. We cannot afford to hit scaling issues that would lock us up, as users don't have the luxury of coming back later (a laggy site would be ok, but if it didn't work at all we would be screwed).
My mentor told me to look into autoscaling, to make sure that my provider doesn't limit our service. Can you give me any advice or suggestions on how to make sure we are ready? Thank you.
14 replies
Our development deployments are not building
Hello, we usually have no problem once we push to github, but today it's taking a really long time (I don't think it's working). I've tried redploying. Is everything ok on your end? Thank you.
7 replies
Best way to turn off a project?
We have a side project that we do not wish to use right now, but we plan on coming back to it. What is the best way to minimize my monthly bill? I could delete the project entirely, but it's a ton of setup work to get it up and running again. I thought taking down the deployment would do the trick, but it doesn't. Thank you.
13 replies
Server becomes unresponsive
Can someone please help me figure out what occurred Saturday? Our production site was not accessible during a live event. We were able to reach the front end, but the data wasn’t loading. We are using express JS with node and a MYSQL database.
Both the back-end and front-end servers are hosted on Railway.app The problem was fixed by redeploying the backend server. The problem has occurred again several times over the past few days, every time it is fixed by redeploying the backend server.
During each outage, we have been able to run queries directly on the production database with MySQL workbench. It works like normal.
The SQL command:
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_connections";
returned 151.
The SQL command:
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_used_connections";
returned nothing.
I do not think it is related to the database.
We have a cron job (Node Cron) that runs every minute, it stops running during the outages. We have console.logs in the cron job allowing us to know when it begins and ends. The cron jobs always finish.
I do not think it is related the the cron job.
We use the Morgan logger, which displays the routes we hit in the logs. When going through the logs, we can see when the outage begins because we stop getting status and response time.
Morgan is logging:
:method :url :status :response-time ms - :res[content-length]
11 replies
Please help, we are down during a live event
I am not sure what is wrong, everything was working fine but now we cannot access the site. I looked in the MYSQL metrics tab on our production server and the network outbound has gone through the roof. Please help us!
12 replies
Is there an easy way to pause a project?
Hello, we have a secondary development environment that we need for testing every once in a while. Is there a way to stop/start it, so that we only pay for it when we are using it? I don't want to delete it, as setup takes a fair amount of work. Thank you.
9 replies
Is there a way that I can monitor my usage in the moment?
Hello, we are currently running our first production event (we are an event management company), and I wanted to know if there is a way to observe our usage on a smaller timeline. I see the project usage page, but it's showing larger chunks of time (like 3 hours).
Also, is there a way I can predict bottlenecks due to our required usage in advance? I'd rather pay in advance than find myself in trouble needing to ask for an upgrade during a live event. Thank you.
13 replies