Logs not appearing in the online UI
New logs for my backend service have not appearing in the UI for the past 15 minutes. The service is up and responding to requests, but I can't see the logs. The postgres logs of the db connected to the service are appearing, so I'm confiden they aren't jut being filtered. Is there an issue with logs?
Trouble switching to private networking
I have a webserver and a database and I'm trying to connect to the db from the webserver using the PGPRIVATEHOST but it isn't working. Is there something else I need to do other than switch from PGHOST to PGPRIVATEHOST?
you would also need to use the private port
Puppeteer glibc version
Hi, i'm getting this error when launching the puppeteer chrome
I saw this thread about it and added the nixpacks version in nixpacks.toml but no luck.
Here's my nixpacks.toml
Is there a way to download a subset of logs from Railway?
There are some logs that I'm looking to download locally to my computer- is there a way I can do this? Thanks!
Hello, I need help, I have a custom domain and a subdomain in a railway service, suddenly the main domain has stopped pointing to railway and they ask me to tell them the dns fields that I have to put so that it points to the railway server. I've been looking and they only give me a cname field, but the main domain only accepts A. Do you know what I can do? If I put the value of the cname that they give me for the main domain as if it were the IP in the A field, would it work for it to point to...
Can I host a single jsonl file that my project writes to via python?
I have a python project being hosted on railway, I would love to be able to, from python, write to the jsonl file from python and for that file to persist accross builds.
Is that possible or do I need to spin up a whole MongoDB server just for 1 files?...
Can't seem to install an existing project without --legacy-peer-deps
The project was working well, but on a new commit, it started throwing errors on lock files.
I matched the node version and npm version with the one on railway.
I am using NX + nix...
Internal Domain not working When communicating from NextJS backend to other service
Hi I have a NEXTJS UI, and another backend service (we'll call this "Scheduling API") that my NextJS backend calls
When I had my NextJS Backend talk to the Scheduling API by hosting Scheduling API on a public domain, the communication worked fine.
When I switch the scheduling API to be Private Networking only, the communication does not work....
Referenced variable resolves to empty string
I'm trying to make a variable called "BACKEND_URL" and have the value of it being the referenced internal value of RAILWAY_PUBLIC_DOMAIN. However, when attempting to read the variable in process.env.BACKEND_END (Node.js), it resolves to an empty string and I suspect it's because it says <empty string> when I inspect it in the Railway GUI. The value of this is "${{RAILWAY_PUBLIC_DOMAIN}}".
I have an other variable called DATABASE_URL and the value of it is: "${{Postgres.DATABASE_URL}}". When I inspect this in the GUI it has an expected value....
you haven't applied the changes yet
second connect to postgres fails
after a container is deployed (after the initial deployment) this error occurs when trying to connect to it via DATABASE_URL
40 | res = resolve
41 | rej = reject...
no worries. it seems to be fixed after destroying it and recreating it. it was an old project
Free hobby plan.
I heard that a friend of mine got a free Hobby plan because they signed up when it was free. I’ve bought the Pro version, but would it be possible to go back to the early bird Hobby plan?
Also, what account age does it apply to?...
Also, what account age does it apply to?...
High usage on network egress
I'm having excessive use of network egress, but the database that is connected to the project is using the internal route. Can you help me validate? There's nothing other than that that you should be using so much. After inserting the database the usage graph shot up.
Custom Domain not working
Ive used custom domain for this service for a while
but now it does not work anymore, just happened this week
have checked with domain provider and CNAME for www is set to what was provided by railway...
PR Env Name?
I set up my PR environment with github actions. And the PR environment naming changes between 2 formats. As you can see from the pictures sometimes it uses the Github repo name and sometimes just some numbers. Is there a reason for that or can i make it somehow that it always uses the repo name?...
help with the api
hi guys. quick question.
i want to deploy a template of the directus application (docker) + sqlite through the api with python. i tried and the service/container gets deployed and is running fine, but i get a 401 error response, when the request to create and mount the volume is send. help would be very appreciated :)
this template (i dont know how to copy the link to it. sorry)...
Deployment from 22 minutes ago still not finished
Hey, I think it's stuck 😦
Project ID: c85c2301-7f39-418c-bcc5-6ec0046f7e6a...
Lost my 2FA
Actually i lost my 2FA in mobile
Even idk how tho
And i reset my laptop today and recovery keys are also gone
Pls help...
2FA has been removed
MongoDB Crashing - Need help expanding its storage
I deployed my mongodb on the trial plan and have since exceeded trial plan storage. I am on the hobby plan now, but I am not getting hobby p[lan storage limits. How can I upgrade the storage for my database?
from within the volume's settings - https://docs.railway.com/overview/the-basics#volume-settings