Puppeteer glibc version
Hi, i'm getting this error when launching the puppeteer chrome
I saw this thread about it and added the nixpacks version in nixpacks.toml but no luck.
Here's my nixpacks.toml
9 replies
New builder: Config file src/backend/nixpacks.toml does not exist
Hi, I tried enabling the new builder environment but I'm getting this error. The root directory is set to
and the file src/backend/nixpacks.toml
does in fact exist
I need the new builder environment because i need private network access during the build phase.6 replies
Does setting DATABASE_URL instead of DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL affect egress usage?
As the title says, I have a service that uses sqlx and I had to set DATABASE_URL instead of DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL, because otherwise it wouldn't work.
Currently I'm seeing slight usage on the database egress, even if I'm not connecting directly to the db frequently.
I was curious whether I would get different egress readings depending on which type of database url I was using.
12 replies