Created by __watson on 8/8/2023 in #✋|help
Deploy from GitHub isn't showing all of my orgs even though it shows configured repos
This happened in the past when we upgraded to GitHub Enterprise and I had my IT team uninstall and reinstall the app in our systems. Now when I try to deploy a new github repo, I'm not seeing any of my apollographql projects popping up. We didn't change anything on our side and now I'm blocked from deploying new projects while all my existing projects continue to work as expected. Is it possible to have the "Deploy from GitHub" give an option to just provide a URL? Your services have access to the configured repos
9 replies
Created by __watson on 7/18/2023 in #✋|help
Railway billing email isn’t working
Hey I really need to get this billing thing figured out ASAP and I just got a “delivery incomplete” email that billing@railway.com didn’t accept requests. The timing of this all couldn’t be worse for me, I’m showing my demo to our company today. I’m going to get certain questions asked of me and I’m afraid my hosting might have to change if this isn’t resolved ASAP. Every customer that starts a demo will use the railways URLs but I can’t have things be in this state to comfortably so this.
18 replies
Created by __watson on 7/17/2023 in #✋|help
Pro billing - why 2 months charged at once?
We recently moved to a paid user account. I had done the pricing estimates and put in the request at my company, but this month I received a charge that covered June,July and August bringing the bill over the card limit I had initally requested. I sent in an email to billing@railway.com, I need to get this figured out today or I'll have to start looking into my options. Basically the user cost for the following month is bundled with the previous months user cost plus usage cost.
7 replies
Created by __watson on 7/3/2023 in #✋|help
Private networking - webhook error
I'm working on a new callback pattern for realtime GraphQL subscriptions that utilizes a webhook like pattern. I want to use the internal networking in railway to secure that callback url, but I'm getting an error:
request to http://{private}.railway.internal:6607/callback/71d75f513901349ee7dfe50054409d4b019887cdd9c6f79e41b8ee752d293ae7 failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND hosted-router.railway.internal
request to http://{private}.railway.internal:6607/callback/71d75f513901349ee7dfe50054409d4b019887cdd9c6f79e41b8ee752d293ae7 failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND hosted-router.railway.internal
I'm currently listing my public url as: http://{private}.railway.internal:${env.PORT:-4000}/callback Is there anything jumping out why this wouldn't be working? I already have everything working successfully when I use the public domains avaialble.
61 replies
Created by __watson on 5/24/2023 in #✋|help
GitHub integration no longer showing repos for Enterprise org
70 replies