Railway14mo ago

GitHub integration no longer showing repos for Enterprise org

I just had my IT group approve a private repo in our organization and it is showing up in that Railway has access to this app, but I can't create a new project with it. Does Railway not read repositories from GitHub Enterprise? (we recently switched)
51 Replies
Percy14mo ago
Project ID: N/A
__watson14mo ago
Nothing's popping up for our org anymore
__watson14mo ago
I'm trying to make the case to upgrade to a teams plan, but I need to get this figured out. It used to work fine and I can't figure out why it doesn't pop up anymore. The only thing I can think of is the migration we did to GitHub Enterprise in the last month
Brody14mo ago
railway just needs a little time to index the repos, leave that page open for a few minutes
__watson14mo ago
I've let it hang on this page for awhile and I'm not seeing anything load up. Is there something I need to get configured on our end?
Brody14mo ago
okay will ask team
__watson14mo ago
I would also add that my old repos are still connected, so I'm hoping it's a small thing
Faraz14mo ago
Hey, I can help look into it. When you go here, do you see any errors* in the console? And have you tried uninstalling the app from the org and then reinstalling it?
__watson14mo ago
I'll have to have my IT team check this and I'll have them try reinstalling the app
Adam14mo ago
I do want to note, since you're using Railway in an enterprise setting, you should be on the Teams plan
Brody14mo ago
probably wants to get the code running first lol
Adam14mo ago
Yep, just mentioning it
__watson13mo ago
So I got my IT team to uninstall and reinstall the app, no luck. One error that popped up when we were running through uninstall/reinstall was that I wasn't an Org admin. I don't have the ability to invite our IT person (who is an org owner) to the account to do the setup so I can't check if that would work. Any guidance on what I can try next? I wish I could have a short trial of the team account to see if that would work. I have all my stuff hosted and about to go down the route of adding custom domains (websocket workaround), but if I can't get that working in our org I'll have to abandon teams plan and pick another provider Ya I want to be on a Teams plan, but I have to make the case to get budget approval. We have approvals on all subscription/software spend and I need a POC to show
Adam13mo ago
since this is just a POC, the easiest way to go about it would be to clone the repo on your account Afaik dev plan accounts can’t deploy from enterprise repos
__watson13mo ago
So are you confirming that when I upgrade to a Team account that GitHub Enterprise will just start working @Adam ?
Adam13mo ago
Yes. If it doesn’t, then the team will help figure it out
__watson13mo ago
Cool, I'll look into that then. I would recommend adding "GitHub Enterprise" to your Team plan pricing: https://railway.app/pricing
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
__watson13mo ago
I say that because on the developer plan it definitely looks like you can use Enterprise (in the sense that configuring that org is possible)
Adam13mo ago
I’ve mentioned that to the team, I agree Also rereading the chat, you’re able to cancel the plan at any time. The one time 20$ charge won’t be refunded, but you’re not forced to incur more usage charges. Not a trial per se, but still flexible
__watson13mo ago
Is there a better understanding of this? Like the memory/CPU usage? I've only looked at the GB/min type pricing before
__watson13mo ago
I just put in the request to up the spend on the card we have for Railway, I only have $19.85 remaining this month so I can't just upgrade to try. Some other feedback, it would be really helpful to have a trial for the team plan. Even 7 days would be enough time for all this. It sucks we have the red tape on our side, but that's just where we are at. To give some context, I'm building a demo application for our company that would be very widely used. It has real-time subscriptions that is an important aspect and a reason why I chose Railway instead of our Netlify. We host most of our infra on GCP and the risk for me is being told that I need to investigate there with this news. There are 3 members on my team so we would be starting at 3 seats and expanding as we have the need. Our Memory and CPU costs will be a factor as well.
JustJake13mo ago
Heya Watson! Totally read you on the "Trial of the Teams Plan" Though, there's not really anything gated behind the teams plan ATM. Like, the trial of the teams plan would simply be adding people to your project via the "Members" tab under project settings As for the GH Enterprise stuff, I don't think it should be any different, but we can have a look internally on this and get back to you ASAP (worst case EOD)
__watson13mo ago
That's what I thought...I appreciate investigating it. My whole team really likes Railway and I would love to get us more into Railway railway
JustJake13mo ago
Can I see if I've got the facts correct: - You were on "non enterprise", and you could see the repos - You upgraded to enterprise (but didn't re-install) and now you can't ?
__watson13mo ago
Correct, but we also did try uninstalling and re-installing the app today. When I got to configure the GitHub settings, I see all my orgs, I can click on our GitHub enterprise one and then I can see 2 repositories showing
__watson13mo ago
Faraz13mo ago
If you open the console, do you see any errors in the fetch repos call?
__watson13mo ago
No I get a valid response from your GraphQL endpoint, let me grab that
Faraz13mo ago
Not this one. getAvailableGitHubRepos this one. If you visit this page (https://railway.app/new), you'll see it.
__watson13mo ago
Sorry got this one
Faraz13mo ago
So it fetches your repos but not the ones from the org?
__watson13mo ago
correct, all the orgs under our GitHub enterprise account don't show up (we have 2 orgs under our GitHub enterprise, apollographql is the one I'm trying to work within)
Faraz13mo ago
This is the org, right? https://github.com/apollographql
JustJake13mo ago
Heya Watson (again). We've actually isolated the payload on our side and are able to see the repos, so, don't think it's something to do with GitHub Enterprise We're gonna look into it and get you a response in the next 24h :). Would that be reasonable? We're big fans of Apollo and would love to support y'all 😄
__watson13mo ago
Yeah that works for us! It looks like I’m also getting approval for teams plan and will get that setup once the card gets updated
jr13mo ago
Hey watson, When you get a chance can you please logout and log back in with GH. I'm debugging this issue and just want to make sure everything is fresh
__watson13mo ago
Yup, you mean the "Disconnect" icon in the Account Settings right?
angelo13mo ago
Hey @__watson saw you trying to tag the team haha Just reply to the message and we get a ping Like so
__watson13mo ago
I figured that afterwards 😃 , first thought it was the screenshot, then realized it was the atMention
jr13mo ago
yup exactly
__watson13mo ago
I did that earlier, sorry just got out of a meeting
jr13mo ago
When you get a chance can you check if you can see the GH enterprise repos
__watson13mo ago
They're showing up! ❤️ 🎉
__watson13mo ago
I also got approval so we're now on the Teams plan. I'll work on bringing everything over to the team org and getting it all setup. Thank you a bunch for all your help!
angelo13mo ago
No problem! Sorry it took so long 😢 Also let us know how else we can help here
__watson13mo ago
Thanks will do, I'll get to put this all out in #🎭|show-off-your-stuff soon. Just working out the last details for our new demo app, all hosted on Railway 😉
angelo13mo ago
Love Apollo Studio btw, say hi to Danielle and Ashley for me if you work closely with them Would love to get our API and graph properly documented and indexed one day
__watson13mo ago
For sure will, Danielle and I go way back (5+ years at Apollo) Happy to help any way I can
angelo13mo ago
then you'll deffo hear from Faraz and I soon 🙂
__watson13mo ago
We also have our own discord if you ever want to ask questions there. I have other Dev Rel teammates covering Python and Rust (https://discord.gg/graphos). Anything to help in GraphQL space is what we're trying to do We're all fans of Railway also