Railway12mo ago

Railway billing email isn’t working

Hey I really need to get this billing thing figured out ASAP and I just got a “delivery incomplete” email that billing@railway.com didn’t accept requests. The timing of this all couldn’t be worse for me, I’m showing my demo to our company today. I’m going to get certain questions asked of me and I’m afraid my hosting might have to change if this isn’t resolved ASAP. Every customer that starts a demo will use the railways URLs but I can’t have things be in this state to comfortably so this.
9 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: N/A
__watson12mo ago
__watson12mo ago
Percy12mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
Adam12mo ago
Please email support@railway.app, you’re on the pro plan so your email should go through make sure you’re sending the email from your Railway account email
angelo12mo ago
Wait, will fix this can you email me directly angelo@, will help you out also its billing@railway.app cc @__watson
__watson12mo ago
Just forwarded the email, thanks @ngeloxyz
angelo12mo ago
Okay- resolved! I also credited your account for the mistake. cc @__watson Can you confirm everything is back up and running? I don't think we knocked anything offline.
__watson12mo ago
Thanks @ngeloxyz for the quick response, everything is working fine and the demo went smooth. We're going to run through a production readiness check as our next steps and shipping the demo soon 🎉