Railway12mo ago

Pro billing - why 2 months charged at once?

We recently moved to a paid user account. I had done the pricing estimates and put in the request at my company, but this month I received a charge that covered June,July and August bringing the bill over the card limit I had initally requested. I sent in an email to billing@railway.com, I need to get this figured out today or I'll have to start looking into my options. Basically the user cost for the following month is bundled with the previous months user cost plus usage cost.
4 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: 6ab1d441-10ca-44ae-a30d-3cabda7e4fc7
__watson12mo ago
__watson12mo ago
Adam12mo ago
The billing email is your best line to the team. This server is community support, there’s nothing we can help you with here locking this thread. Good luck!