Secret Asian Man
Secret Asian Man
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Oh My God on 2/24/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
Flat earth introduction
1st question: there's no evidence of curvature whether that would mean rate of change of slope or drop over distance 2nd question: not a belief, it's based upon direct measurement of the earth 3rd question: loaded question + strawman. Loaded question: the earth curving at the rate a 3959 mile radius would dictate has never been practically demonstrated, so then it is not proven. Strawman: Flat earth is not a theory it's based upon measurement.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by optimistic-gold on 2/14/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
If the earth is flat, how does solar and lunar eclipses happen?
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by ogleble on 1/22/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
24h Sun on Antartica
wrong section
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Smiley on 1/19/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
Fakery of the Final "Experiment" (Observation)
Hopefully most in this forum aren't gullible enough to provide the appeal to motive/hasty generalization answer that this question begs for. 1. There is no logical syllogism for TFE, that's true. 2. Some of the footage is suspect, this is also true This does not mean that there are two camps, or two types of flat earthers, or a "need" to expose it vs those who know there is no logical syllogism for TFE. Some also recognize that yes the footage is suspect AND that the very thing they set out to do was a fruitless endeavor (did not prove flat or globe) AND that no experiment was conducted - nothing in the real world was tested. Try asking a question instead about one of these three things rather than asking a loaded question about the very people who are scrutinizing the footage, the lack of logical framework and or the lack of experiment of the so called "The Final Experiment" (aka The Fruitless Endeavor). Also: just because a 24 hour sun could happen in antarctica (or any celestial object moving in any particular way in the sky for that matter) while the earth measures flat beneath it, it doesn't then logically follow that the footage must be accepted as true based upon the possibility alone. So while it's true the TFE lacks a logical framework and that such an observation could occur while earth measures flat, it is also true that there is good reason to think the footage lacks integrity and that people directly involved lack logic themselves thinking this was going to accomplish what they had set out to do. EDIT: Also although it is true we don't have the need to expose the footage as fake, it is also true that TFE participants and supporters primarily want to talk about this particular thing rather than discuss (or even provide) a logical syllogism.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Syrup on 1/6/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
Tangential question: What do flat earthers believe about the moon/space travel?
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by supguys on 1/3/2025 in #flat-earth-questions
do people here accept that the ae map is false now?
Which one? There's an arctic variety and an antarctic variety of this particular map. These AE maps (azimuthal equidistant maps) are derived from the globe. In other words, despite what anti-flat earth propaganda says out there, the AE map is not a flat earth map. It never was a flat earth map and never will be. It is a strawman put forth by controlled oppositions that pretend to be flat earthers (such as Flat Earth Society) in order to redirect, obfuscate and distract people who are beginning to look into this topic. One does not simply become a flat earther because of a map. Acknowledging the empirical facts that the earth measures flat, is practically used as flat and is navigated upon as flat is what causes one to say it is flat. No map will ever change that, because acknowledging these facts supersedes mere belief.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Lays on 12/28/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Flat earth question
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by notthefirstidea on 12/28/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
How do things fall?
Thanks for hearing us out the other night, that "gravity" or things falling through a medium or lack thereof can only be the dependent variable or observed phenomenon in an experiment and cannot be the independent variable wherein it would be possible for it to be proven to be the presumed cause of it happening at all.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Swent on 12/20/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
what is the firmament made of?
that's off topic, the server topic is the earth.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Y3K_Rio on 11/21/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
vanishing point* Convergence isn't curvature.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by scottisthename on 11/14/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Mach speeds over long distances.
I did some follow up questions, GPT says the maximum g's this rocket can withstand is roughly around 40-50 in short instances, but in sustained maneuvers it's moreso 20-30 g's. I tried to get it to calculate how many g's this rocket would experience at mach 27 while nosing down at a rate of 8 inches per mile ² and it gave me the figure 1.37 million g's. I'm not mathematically inclined enough to validate this, but it isn't changing its answer and says that hypersonic missiles typically follow nearly straight trajectories*, that even slight deviations at that speed would create immense forces.
5 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by scottisthename on 11/14/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Mach speeds over long distances.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Nobody on 11/12/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Why make false claims
Appeal to motive is irrelevant to the discussion because it's purely speculative. One could say money is a motive, control over worldview can be another, but whether or not I or anyone else can come up with believable motives has no bearing on the fact that the earth is measured flat showing no drop over distance or rate of change of slope. If I or anyone else cannot come up with a good enough motive, does it then negate the empirical evidence? Of course not. Now you say you want to assume the earth is flat, that's just a wrong way of beginning any investigation. If you're saying it to be charitable it's not necessary since it's measurable. The truth is that those who believe in the globe, including myself when I used to believe in it, assume that despite the earth appearing flat it is actually curving, despite the earth being motionless it is assumed to be spinning, and despite having breathable air next to an expanding universe with no means of containment it is assumed gravity can reverse an increase in entropy. Despite not being there ourselves people like to assume that humans are out in space doing things and to assume that everyone who has claimed to be there (approximately 600 people) are telling the truth despite the plot holes in a narrative that doesn't seem to exist in reality but rather in text books and on TV. The need to assume things is habitual of those who remain deeply rooted in the globalist worldview of the universe. Once you stop assuming and empirically investigate the world around you, you will find that it simply does not comport with the geometric claim we have all be fed as unquestioning children, and that natural laws of reality also do not align with their space narrative. No assumptions needed.
8 replies
FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Crusader on 11/11/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
What's going on here? (Bremen vacuum chamber drop tower.) Here's a more sophisticated drop test, this time at the University of Bremen (ZARM) 06/21/2004. EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS. The experiment shows the inside of an (aluminium-) drop caspule in the drop tower (110 m) of ZARM. During the fall of the test bodies (Lithium [Li], Beryllium [Be], Bor [B], Carbon [C], Aluminium [Al], Iron [Fe], Plumb [Pb]) you can see the different accelerations between the elements. But the accepted physics says that these bodies should all have the same acceleration! The drop experiment is the falsification of the UFF, of Galilei's law.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Crusader on 11/11/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
What's going on here?
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Ayxy on 11/4/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
How di seasons work on your model?
We don't present a model, only controlled oppositions do. It does not logically follow that measuring the surface of earth as flat can yield a specific shape that can be modeled, such as the disc in space that would usually surface as a top result for every search inquiry regarding the flat earth in any search engine. Only controlled opposition groups, trolls or band wagon fake flat earthers who purposefully misrepresent what we argue for suggest that we for some reason think we're a disc in space based upon flat surface measurements alone. We do not argue that we are a disc in space nor have we drawn up that depiction. Globalists have created that depiction, inserting a flat earth of their imagining into a heliocentric paradigm that we do not endorse here The only people who think space is a foregone conclusion therefore earth must be a disc within that paradigm, are globalists or people who in general turn a blind eye to the fact that the ever expanding region of extreme low pressure(space) that is allegedly the sky above our heads violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics regarding entropy. Such a region cannot naturally exist and depicting a disc within said region is not what we argue for. The earth is measurably flat, featuring no drop over distance or rate of change of slope of the horizontal. This means that regardless of how weather works, the earth measures flat.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Oblateness on 11/2/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Will flerfs be intellectually honest about the final experiment when we observe the 24hr sun?
This is a loaded question insisting we aren't already intellectually honest about the fact that the earth is measured flat, practically used as flat, navigated as flat, and how what happens in the sky has no bearing on what the surface is. Will glerfs be intellectually honest enough to stop arguing abstraction vs abstraction via models so as to stop committing the reification fallacy? Unlike your question mine is not loaded, glerfs literally commit this fallacy all of the time such as with the final "experiment". Typically their intellectual dishonesty shows in calling such an expedition/observation an experiment.Observing something in the sky and saying you believe it comports with a model (reification fallacy) isn't a cause and effect relationship derived from the scientific method. Proving whether or not the earth is flat doesn't require the scientific method. 2nd question: Will Glerfs be intellectually honest enough (and perhaps humble enough) to admit that in this instance they do not know what science is? To present something as science that lacks experiment is the very definition of pseudoscience, and that's exactly what this final "experiment" is at this point(pseudoscience), unless a testable hypothesis can be articulated.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by 馬克斯‧維斯塔潘 on 10/26/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
what scientific info makes flat earther thinks that the earth is flat?
measuring the earth as flat is not a cause and effect relationship.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Carrot on 10/20/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
That's quite an imagination you have there Carrot.
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FED24/7 Flat Earth Discord
Created by Sunflower on 10/16/2024 in #flat-earth-questions
Are flat earthers oppressed?
I find it interesting that if globe earth is the ultimate truth, the reality to the masses, the truth would be so obvious to the whole world by using testable and repeatable methods to determine drop over distance or rate of change of slope. There would be no daily debunking of a radius value of 3959 miles on a daily basis here at 24/7 flat earth discord. Flat earth wouldn't even be a thing, Obfuscating controlled oppositions wouldn't exist, neither would random globe believers who want to put forth some kind of multi-paragraphed imagining speculating how flat earthers would be in camps, terminated or assassinated if the earth were actually flat. But here we have our conventions, channels and forums and because of the lack of verifiable drop over distance/rate of change of slope. Why so? The closest thing to curvature that we get is by simply believing and parroting consensus, or by parroting memes that strawman and misrepresent what flat earthers argue for, appealing to the barrel distortion of a lense or fuselage window while throwing Neil Degrasse Tyson under the bus, but never are we ever provided direct measurement of the earth curving away from us, which is the very thing every real flat earther has sought for when they had set out to debunk flat earth, only to find out that there is no measurable drop over distance, or rate of change of slope. In my opinion, this does not compare to what would happen if the earth were actually a globe wherein globe earthers would utterly trample over a flat earther with empirical data proving drop over distance or rate of change of slope that comports to the geometric claims we've all been told the earth allegedly has. Why aren't globe earthers doing all they can to prove the geometric claim? Why do they choose only to talk about everything else or except the world beneath their feet or even go so far as constructing conspiracy theories from their imaginings about what should happen to flat earthers?
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