Created by manual-pink on 7/23/2024 in #🏛|govt-stacking
OE With top secret clearance?
The only way it works imo, is if you're upfront with your employers about being OE. You can tell them that you're only 2J and the others are dual sponsors due to a prime contractor / sub-contractor situation where both need to sponsor you for the project you're working but there's no way that you can hide it. Of course the FSO doesn't necessarily need to tell the employer but seeing 4 sponsors will definitely raise some questions.
12 replies
Created by genetic-orange on 7/23/2024 in #🏛|govt-stacking
OE With top secret clearance?
The other thing, as it's been explained before, is that all FSOs at each of the companies can see all your sponsors. Anyone that wants to hire you for a cleared job becomes your sponsor. So in the case of the OP, they have 4 sponsors that will all show plain as day in DISS.
12 replies
Created by adverse-sapphire on 7/23/2024 in #🏛|govt-stacking
OE With top secret clearance?
Well, yes, we don't call it "reciprocity" or even explain it that way but that's kinda how it works. You go through a full investigation once every 5 years for a TS. After that, you just have it on your profile or account and anyone that wants to hire you for a cleared job just checks the system (DISS) to see if you have the clearance or not. Then they can "sponsor" you. In today's world, everyone is now enrolled in the Continuous Vetting (CV) program so even though they only do a full investigation once every 5 years, they do active monitoring and sort of these mini-investigations continuously during those 5 years in between.
12 replies
Created by rival-black on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
L6 typically leads a lot of meetings and has to do a lot of these side internal projects for the company that would eat up your time and make it harder to OE. However, once again, it's completely dependent on what your role and org is within the company. At my faang company, I talked with some L6s in one org that just tell me they chill and have low HPW and don't have to lead a lot of meetings but then there are other L6s in another org in the company that work their butts off to maintain that level.
37 replies
Created by deep-jade on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
From what I've noticed, it's that the faang companies don't advertise remote roles but everything changes once you get your foot in the door. For example, at my faang company, we advertise all our roles on our careers page for a specific location During the interviews, they will tell you that it requires you to come into the office. However, once you actually join the company, it's a fully remote job. Even if it's not a fully remote job, you can switch roles internally to something fully remote much easier than applying from external.
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Created by wise-white on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
For SWEs
37 replies
Created by rare-sapphire on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
Meta solution architects are all remote as far as I know.
37 replies
Created by equal-jade on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
Now that I think about it, most of my friends are L5/L6 but I know some L4s too.
37 replies
Created by extended-salmon on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
Wdym? Of course they still do remote. That just depends on the company. Furthermore, it depends on your org within the company and your specific role.
37 replies
Created by relaxed-coral on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
To answer the OP though, it’s definitely worth it to bust your ass for 2 years to land a manga job. 100%
37 replies
Created by xenial-black on 6/3/2024 in #🤔|questions
Is it worth it to bust your ass of for two year...
The companies are so big that it really depends what org you are in and your job role as to whether it’s OE friendly or not. I got lots of friends at the various faang companies and some of them say it’s OE friendly, like Google, Meta, Microsoft, etc. I guess the only company that everyone agrees is not OE friendly is AMZN/AWS. Also, if you’re trying to climb the ladder within faang companies then you’re obviously going to have to work a lot harder and won’t have time to OE.
37 replies
Created by rising-crimson on 5/8/2024 in #🤔|questions
anyone have a working method to get around recr...
While most of those calls turn into nothing, I've actually gotten some offers from them. I also have an email template reply that I start with before calls and those are mainly to filter out low salary positions.
7 replies
Created by tame-yellow on 4/25/2024 in #💼|background-checks
Security Clearance (DCSA)
Everyone is on the continuous vetting (DCSA) program now. I know lots of people who have been OE with it for years. Still can’t recommend it for everyone, just like SWE is not for everyone…but yes, it’s possible.
2 replies
Created by foreign-sapphire on 4/17/2024 in #🥃|c2c-1099
How to pay yourself for a C2C role?
Considering how much more the CPA will save you in taxes, they generally pay for themselves so cost isn't a concern imo.
13 replies
Created by other-emerald on 4/17/2024 in #🥃|c2c-1099
How to pay yourself for a C2C role?
Anyone with high income (like over 200k probably) should hire a CPA.
13 replies
Created by flat-fuchsia on 4/17/2024 in #🥃|c2c-1099
How to pay yourself for a C2C role?
Oh you said partnership with your wife so guess you have 2 members. You can still do the disregarded entity route or corporation but you also the 3rd option as partnership.
13 replies
Created by other-emerald on 4/17/2024 in #🥃|c2c-1099
How to pay yourself for a C2C role?
Your LLC needs a business checking account and the client would make payments into that account. You then transfer money from the business account into your personal account when you pay yourself. As for how much to pay yourself, talk to your CPA about that. For example, if you're setup as a single-member LLC that is a disregarded entity then you would pay yourself 100% of the pay and you pay taxes on it as usual. If you elect S Corp tax status for your single-member LLC then you can get more creative. Long story short, ask your CPA on what's best for your personal situation.
13 replies
Created by wise-white on 3/14/2024 in #🏛|govt-stacking
Working overseas with public trust clearance?
Also, to your first question, I've worked overseas for cleared projects that were US-based. I always got permission beforehand and filled out the proper foreign travel forms. So to answer your question, yes, it's possible. If they say it's not allowed then you'll need to tell them that you will need to take leave until you return or quit that J. Don't try to be sneaky with that or you'll risk being banned from all future clearance work and probably felony, etc.
6 replies
Created by stormy-gold on 3/14/2024 in #🏛|govt-stacking
Working overseas with public trust clearance?
I don't recommend that. I don't know about public trust but for anything higher, you're required to fill out a foreign travel form anytime you leave the country. I would just be honest with them and say that you are planning to travel overseas and want to know if you can work while there.
6 replies