Getting random 404 from railway
Hello @char8 . This situation started suddenly without any deploy in between, so I panicked and started to launch a new deploy for every service.
I have a load-balancer service (haproxy) which has a 404 default rule for non existing routes, but this is not the case because its serves a known default haproxy 404 page. The response I was receiving was a 404 railway html page, the same when you request a non existing railway service or when you don't set the PORT env variable.
This was really random for whatever endpoint, to test this I was sending 10 request for the same endpoint and 2 or 3 of them gave the 404 html railway page.
By the time I'm writing this it seems the service its working good (no deploy in between), I'm not getting the random 404 html railway page anymore, but when we have the issue it affected a lot to our business 😢 .
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