App unreachable after db migration
Hi there, I have followed the steps to migrate but the app using the db is now unreachable. The DATABASE_URL value seems to be correctly pointing to the migrated db instance.
Project id: 9a8cdddf-87aa-4caf-848a-69fb07710946
6 replies
How to run "Deployment" job after custom Github CI?
Hi there, I have a Github CI set up, but deployment on Railway is initiated while the CI is still running. How can I make the deployment depend on my github CI yml giving the green light?
Thank you.
6 replies
A long-running task gives "Stream timeout"
Using an admin-only feature of my application for importing data from a public API returns a "stream timeout" error to the screen after a few minutes. Locally, the procedure takes about 20 minutes. How would I be able to circumvent the problem on the Railway cloud?
3 replies
Cannot build with Nix pack
Hi, I am deploying a Django app that used to be on Heroku. Using the Heroku pack works fine, but using NixPacks does not. See below and the attached log. This very error is returned when I am
sudo nixpacks build
ing locally, too.
[stage-0 3/8] COPY .nixpacks/setup.nix .nixpacks/setup.nix:
failed to compute cache key: "/.nixpacks/setup.nix" not found: not found
Error: Docker build failed
5 replies