Deploy failed and it's weird
Hi, for some reason I am getting this when deploying:
Why is it refusing connection to that host?
35 Replies
Project ID:
double check the port and hostname, should also make sure that the database is running
Where should that be checked? The deploy I am triggering does not include any of such changes.
in the database itself, your app is likely fine if you've checked that the environment variables in the deployment are correct
This kind of concerns me. I haven't touched those variables at all since the last deploy.
Does it mean such a problem is bound to occur suddenly in the future?
unsure, i don't work here so i cannot say much about the uptime
What's it got to do with the uptime?
well i think the problem here is the db you have on railway broke or something
since your django app cannot connect to it
I hope this is not true
ideally not but i poked around in a few other threads and i saw something about db's going down/needing to be restarted
might just be a temporary issue
Well I just went on the postgresql service we're talking about
and it says there are no tables
I REALLY hope this is not true.
Else it means I have lost freaking everything
I cannot believe this.
are you in the right environment if you have multiple?
It's the only environment there is.
This is crazy
And there is nothing in the logs saying anything about this.
django doesn't tend to just nuke dbs
I was on the website yesterday and all was fine.
talked with some other people and apparently it's a known issue
What issue?
Your data is still there, going to reboot the DB
oh thank god
did you delete the service?
I am not seeing anything in your project
I did not, for sure
I am on the dashboard and see everything
are you sure this is the correct project Id?
this is the db
why is your DB in a separate project?
It's always been and it's not the first time I am reaching out for help
it was never an issue
Thank you.
data is back
Thank you, the website is reachable again
Is there a way to download the db data from the dashboard?
no but you could just connect with psql yourself and export it
Alright, thank you