


Open Source Community by Novu




Lots of Redis Errors - is this normal?

Howdy all - Is this normal to see this number of Redis *close, reconnecting, ready *messages in my server log (Docker on Azure App Container). It seems a lot but I'm new to Novu. Thanks...
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novu-java sdk: Trigger workflow to a topic

Using Java, how can i trigger workflow to a topic? Any Novu Java documentation that I can refer to? Thank you!

customize workflow steps digest

Hey, we like the templating functionality within a step and want to use the novu button within the custom code section. Is this possible with an variable or similar?

What is the socketUrl for account in EU?

Hi, I try to look around the documentation but so far only found this place: And it took me several hours to realized that I have to specify the backendUrl if my account is in EU. This should be mentioned in the quick start guide. Now it works but not real time, every new notification need a full refresh app in order to see, so I guess I also need to specify the socketUrl for it?...

Tentans or Topics

Hi all! I've got multiple organization in my app. Wondering is I should use tenants or topics. What im thinking is to notify thing to all users belonging to the same organization only. All organization and its users, should behave equally, that means, the workflows should be the same. Is this better modelled with topic? What do you think?

Bad hostname in SES Email integration Provider

Hi, I have configured an email SES integration provider, but when I test it, it failed because the hostname configured by the SES provider is "", and the smtp endpoint that aws is setting up is ''. Thanks...

Custom SMS Provider

I have a custom provider whos url is like this:[YOURAPIKEY]&tos=1144445555&texto=Mensaje I tried to configure Generic SMS whit this data but i couldn't. Is this posible?...

AI assistant for your documentation

Hey guys! We’ve built an AI assistant tool for your developer docs here: Free of charge! Let us know if that's useful for the community 😉

Error encountered when configuring project

HI, I've synchronized the next branch to the latest for a feature, but encountered errors while configuring the project via Jarvis. Furthermore, when initiating the process, I encountered an error related to @novu/application-generic. I'm using the Windows OS with Node version 20.5.0. Previously, the project worked fine, but after the sync, I'm unable to start it. Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated....
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401 Unauthorized from Docker API Instance

API endpoints get 401 Unauthorised, not letting me signup. (Docker)

Handlebars Function

Hey, I like to add the current date within the template to create a current year copyright text. Is this possible with handlebars?...

User authorization for react component

I just came across novu and seems very helpful, I'm trying to integrate it with my nextjs app. I cannot figure out how to enable user authz, this seems pretty open and could easily leak other peoples' notifications if their id is known. Is there a way to add some sort of authz here? I'm intrested in using novu cloud. ```...
Hey @onestyle check out this guide about React InApp, the section about HMAC is what you are looking for

Novu Unsubscribe Link in E-Mail

As of german or european law, emails should have a unsubscribe link within an email. Is it currently possible to add one, which will modify the current preferences for the workflow to set it to disabled? f.ex. when user preferences are allowed?...

Update Mongo DB on Docker Container

I need to upgrade novu and i read that is mandatory run migrations. how can i run migrations over a docker container mongo db?...

search logic in get push notifications request and read/unread status

Hello! I use API for get only push notifications via /notifications endpoint and have few questions: - I want to get it by some custom type (for example system_push, team_push). I know that novu has feeds or topic but as I understood it's only for in-app messages. Maybe I can use search query for that but I didn't found info for which data this search works. - How I can check read/unread status for push notifications? Or is it only for in-app notifications? I want to show it in push notifications custom list inside app. I didn't find some fields inside notification object....

Unable to get activity feed

I am unable to get activity feed using this curl, even though I am having like 21k feed data. curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: ApiKey <NOVU_API_KEY>'...

headless fetchNotifications() overfetches on multiple calls

I'm using the headless library to power a component that has 2 states, all notifications and unread only. It all works fine on initial load but if I change the state (and make another call to fetchNotifications) then there seems to be a feedback loop where the data gets fetched for both cases multiple times. I've tried unsubscribing after receiving a notifications response which does stop the refetching but then I can no longer listen for unseen notifications. NOTE: The example on the novu-headless-demo has an await for the fetchNotification call but fetchNotification returns no promise so it doesn't quite work 1:1, no idea if this is related...

novu issue

@all i use self hosting in ubuntu server but we hit the my domain url/auth/login we are getting cors error how can we solve this?

Invites and Disabled User Registration

Hey, we had disabled user account creation to prevent users to create new accounts and use our system. But we want to invite new accounts. Is this possible both at the same time?...