Created by SafeMahou5x on 8/26/2024 in #💬│support
We use github enterprise and again suddenly i'm unableUnable to login again with our github accounts
We use github enterprise and again suddenly i'm unable to login. I'm already logged in github and i get the screen asking me to create a novu organization when i already part of one. Tried with chrome and github. Is something wrong with my user?
4 replies
Created by SafeMahou5x on 7/8/2024 in #💬│support
Unexpected duplication of events using multiple digests in the same trigger workflow
Our workflow is configured with 2 digests ( FIRST Digest and SECOND digest) - Each of them with exclusive conditions) Each digest is of type Schedule every day at specific different time After each digest we have an email step with exactly the same condition We trigger two events matching the condition of FIRST digest We receive the email using the template of FIRST email, but we see there is duplication Numnber of events 3 when it should be 2 The detail show clearly duplication. The first event is not duplicated, however the second appears twice This behaviour is critical for our business ( We run a enterprise plan ) Can you help us?
29 replies
Created by SafeMahou5x on 5/16/2024 in #💬│support
Unable to access "changes" menu. Cannot read properties of null (reading 'firstName')
We get this message: Sorry, but something went wrong. Our team has been notified and we are investigating. Event Id: 7cc9a9461ceb4cbc834ccec41ab8d0e5. TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'firstName') Wondering if the reason is that none of our 3 suscribers have that field populated?
9 replies
Created by SafeMahou5x on 2/21/2024 in #💬│support
Handling complex "delivery time" user preferences
We have a system where user may want to suscribe to certain "events" that happen in the system, in a CMS could be "whenever an item of type X of the CMS" changes. The tricky bit is that user can chose daily at any hour!. I thought that a possible way would be in our system we let the user chose for example 0, 8, 16, 24 ( i.e 4 times of the 24 period day). Those user preferences are "propagated to Novu" as suscribers metadata. Then the workflow design would have the email step with variants. Each variant would have a condition ( ie suscriber preference is 8) and a digest step which will take care of the schedule. So basically would branch the workflow into 4 periods letting Novu accumulate/agregate events and deliver based on different digest steps. Any other suggestion ? Or would that approach work?
4 replies