Created by Grigoriy on 5/7/2024 in #💬│support
Slow performance identified
Hi Support Team, We are currently evaluating the performance of our messaging system deployed using Docker-Compose and have encountered some concerns regarding message delivery times. Below are the details of our setup and test results: 1. We have set up a Docker-Compose environment as defined in the attached YAML configuration file (dc-novu.yml). 2. The system architecture includes a publisher and a subscriber, which interact through a topic managed by a headless service (headlessService.ts, as detailed in the attached examples) ( 3. We conducted a test where we sent 100 sequential messages to the topic and measured the latency from the creation (which we read from message.createdAt) to the time reception of each message. 4. The test results indicate varied latencies: approximately 10% of the messages are received with a delay of around 1 second, 20% with about 35 ms, and the remainder fall between these two extremes. 5. The test was performed on a machine equipped with 4 CPU cores and 20GB of RAM specifically assigned to WSL. During the test, the CPU usage was consistently at 100%. We are concerned that these results may indicate a performance bottleneck. Could you please review our configuration and suggest any potential improvements or adjustments that might help optimize performance? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Grigory
6 replies
Created by Grigoriy on 4/24/2024 in #💬│support
Initial setup: account, organization on self-hosted Novu
Hello, we are trying to involve Novu to our micro-services infrastructure. How I can create user, organization automatically via scripts/APIs?
11 replies