quest log localization
Hi! I'm a Chinese user and I found some localization bugs when using quest log.
At first I tried fixing it on Weblate, but it needs permission and the discord link on the page in out of date.
So I made an PR on Github.
If it is better fix it on weblate, please give me the permission, thx!...
Forien's Quest Log `0.8.0-beta.1`
Greets @FVTT ▹ Quest Log users,
There is a public beta release available of the next FQL release (
). It is v11 / v12 capable and is fully functional.
It should be representative of the final release. You can install this immediately if you are waiting for FQL on v12. Your quest data is stored separately in journal documents, so you can install / uninstall this beta release.
...Any updates for quest log for foundry V12?
Hello there! Any update on getting Quest log updated to V12? Its mainly this module im waiting for so i can update to V12
Quest Log Permissions / Info
HI @larsvonawesome. You asked:
Trying to find more info on Forien's Quest Log; I'm having an issue where I as a GM can write in the description of a quest, but my players don't see thatThanks for checking out the quest log. There are indeed a fair amount of options / settings that could be affecting this situation. Since I assume you might be new to using the quest log all quests start as "inactive" you have to make them "active" so that they become visible to players. Besides that there are ownership settings for quests, but quite likely you haven't touched that. This is where you can set the quests to be visible by particular players to make private quests. You'll have to provide more information in regard to what you are currently doing, but my guess is that perhaps you created a quest, but didn't make it active. ...
Quest Log objective counts not displaying
Hi there. the Quest Log objectives (done/total) don't seem to change when I mark quests as completed. It might be a mistake on my part, but I can't see any setting that may be causing it. Please advise. Thanks.
Is there a way to export the quest log?
I'm trying to setup a world for the PF2E Beginner Box but right now I working in a beta testing world I created to test module compatibility. So it would be nice to export and import to different world in case I want to run the adventure again with different groups.
FQL / TextEditor enrichment issue
From @ooblekie:
can anyone give me a hand as to why the text keeps coming up as object promise in the quest log? it happens regardless of what text i put in and has only started to happen on my most recent foundry world. everything is up to date with the most recent version and i don't really know what else to try...
Ver .11
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but updated to v .7.11 foundry 10. Lost all quest data. Folders and quest names are still there, but all data is gone.... Is there a way to track down an internal folder, or is all my data just gone?

Package Release: Foundry Summons (3rd party)
Greets @everyone. I do try to use pings sparingly, but want to show a spotlight on @vauxs new package for all your summoning needs. It's nice because of the filtering and being able to directly summon creatures from compendiums to the game canvas. I'm sure @vauxs can answer any questions you might have!
Made w/ the TyphonJS Runtime Library & Svelte. Good job with the release!
Release: Quest Log `0.7.12`
Greets @FVTT ▹ Quest Log!
The v11 compatibility release is now available from the Foundry package manager. This is a minor release providing:
- Foundry v11 support.
- Removed support for v9 / v10 to prevent any compatibility warnings....
Copying existing FQL to a new world
Hello! I am running a world with Forien's Quest Log set up in a world, and I updated Foundry from v8 to v10 and decided to take the time to start fresh with a new world. One thing I would like to copy over is my current instance of the FQL.
I updated from v8 to v9 and then v10, currently running the latest stable v10. I migrated my existing world to v10. Is there any way to copy / move everything from the existing v10 world to a new v10 world?...
Request for Comment: Have any quality of life change suggestions for the quest log for v11?
Greets, @FVTT ▹ Quest Log users!
I am currently planning small modifications and quality of life changes for Forien's Quest Log for the upcoming Foundry v11 launch. The nice thing is that FQL will continue to be available on Foundry versions 9 - 11 from the same release / codebase. I'll be doing some general housekeeping for this release, but would like to find out if there are any small quality of life enhancements that anyone from the community might have in mind. I'm always keen to implement any good ideas coming from the community.
Planned development for Foundry v11 release:...
Quest Log: Is there a way to arrange quests within folders or collapsible quest lines?
Hi @Arkangel. Apologies it took me a bit to get around to addressing your question. This is a two part question. Presently, there isn't a way to arrange quests within folders in respect to the Foundry journal sidebar. As things go there is a hidden folder
that you can unhide in the module options. You can't create additional folders or move the quest journal entries around outside of _fql_quests
I'll certainly consider this when working on the v11 update for FQL. There are no technical reasons why the quest journal entries can not be made visible and freely organized in the journal entries sidebar. I'll add this as a quality of life update in the next release likely out when v11 drops.
As far as collapsible quest lines go this will have to wait for the next-generation quest log. I've been working hard on an underlying modern UI framework that runs on Foundry since Oct '21 that will back this next-gen quest log. It provides many more opportunities to make interactive display of data a pleasure. I do intend to revamp the main quest log UI to have collapsible quest lines along with a lot of other searching / filtering / tagging support. This will have to wait until that completely new continuation / next-gen module is built though. As things go this will be a ~4-5 month full time effort to build it out and I'll be running a crowd-funding campaign to fund development later this year. Hopefully there is enough interest in the larger community. I spent roughly ~1100 hours on the current quest log and just can't complete the next-gen version without raising a minimum amount of funds to cover living costs while I complete the next-gen quest log. I also want to make sure it remains freely available to the larger community. ...Welcome to our Foundry VTT package discussion forum!
Hello fellow Foundry VTT enthusiasts. This forum channel is for discussing and asking questions about our Foundry VTT packages including Forien's Quest Log and more. Do feel free to post questions and discussion about any of our modules. New package releases will also be posted here. If you are interested specifically in the quest log do grab the
Quest Giver
role in <#915550455948537896> for low bandwidth pings when quest log specific information is available.
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