TyphonJS5mo ago

quest log localization

Hi! I'm a Chinese user and I found some localization bugs when using quest log. At first I tried fixing it on Weblate, but it needs permission and the discord link on the page in out of date. So I made an PR on Github. If it is better fix it on weblate, please give me the permission, thx!
6 Replies
TyphonJS (Michael)
Hi Kuroni. I saw the PR you submitted. I'm no longer involved as the maintainer / developer of FQL. I have passed back the responsibility to @Forien. I can't say exactly when he may respond to any PRs or issues. The PR you submitted looks fine and I think it is great to receive improvements like this from native speakers. It can be a challenge to try and get various language translations correct. FQL probably has the widest coverage of alternate languages with 15 supported! Indeed if the Foundry Hub / Weblate service is still active details will need to be updated to point to the active FQL repo and other info for proper Discord server and such.
Forien5mo ago
Hey! I saw the PR and I don't see anything wrong with it (I don't speak Chinese though). I didn't merge it yet, because I'm currently sick. Will try to release the update (along with some other fixes) as soon as I feel better. As for Foundry Hub / Weblate, those services popped out when I was on hiatus from developing on Foundry and since I came back I almost don't see them mentioned, so from my perspective it looks like some trend that appeared and then vanished. Could be wrong, but I honestly am not familiar with them, what they were/are for etc. I don't even know who manages those.
TyphonJS (Michael)
That is my assumption too insofar as Foundry Hub / Weblate service might not not be maintained. The fellow who puts out Dice So Nice / JDW was behind it. Asking in #translations on the main Foundry Discord / help from JDW to get the FQL support pointing at the right repo is a good start. It looks like it is actively maintained from perusing recent discussion in #translations.
It was very useful in the v10 era when I made a solid push to get all translations updated and 100% covered. I do have the FQL support there requiring granting permissions to new translators. It's always a challenge to respond to new potential contributions, so just channelling this request back to you and letting @Kuroni know that it has been seen. Get well Forien and best of luck in moving FQL forward!
KuroniOP5mo ago
Thank you guys! @Forien >I don't see anything wrong with it for example, "的子任务 {0}" means like "'s submisson{0}". It should be "{0}的子任务"(means"{0}'s submission") so I fix it like that. and also made few other fix like that and deleted some unnecessary space(Chinese usually don't add space in sentences) and , yes I think foundry hub is (no offense) dead now. they have a discord server about it but no one response for issues. many projects have been locked due to error
Forien5mo ago
I meant I don't see anything wrong with your PR 😉
KuroniOP5mo ago
oh my bad Take care!

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