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Dropping items into ProseMirror causes error (how does enriched content work)?

When I drop an item into ProseMirror editor I get the following error: ``` foundry-esm.js:3571 Uncaught Error: Invalid number of embedded UUID parts at Object.parseUuid (foundry-esm.js:3571:37) at fromUuidSync (foundry.js:4916:72)...

Live-changing Title

Is this possible to do with SvelteApp? To have an input change the title of the application live.

Extending ActiveEffectConfig (i.e. custom ActiveEffects sheet based on Svelte)

I want to create a custom ActiveEffects sheet. Advice from Foundry is: ``` Re4XN — Today at 13:29 Extend ActiveEffectConfig. Mana — Today at 14:30...

Can the application to respond reactively to game.combat?

I tried this: ```handlebars {{#if game.combat}} <span class="ml-sm">...

SidebarControl musings

I got very intrigued by FVTTSidebarControl and it calls to me to make PF2e Graphics basically have its own sidebar for displaying stored animations. I'd even indulge in that calling but do you have any ideas on how to make such a thing work without an actual collection to save all of it in? I thought of maybe some kind of derived store that takes in all user flags and world setting but that sounds... inefficient....

TJS ChatMessage doesn't include the standard chat header

I'm having a weird problem (as usual for me) where in this paraticular system, chat messages that use a Svelte template are being generated without the standard header (i.e. time ago and trash can for deletion). I had it working fine in another system, ported it over to this system and now it's excluding the headers and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Any clues?...

[Discussion] template-svelte-ts

Just ongoing discussion about new TS features of TRL and template-svelte-ts.

Get dynamic application width

I think there was a way to do this? I had a look at essential-svelte-esm but couldn't quite grok how to access application width from within my svelte app shell?

Minimal.... Nah Maximal FVTT types for TRL

Heya... @Faey, @Vauxs, and others interested in discussing / iterating on some common / minimal types for the areas of the core Foundry API that are touched by TRL. I am starting a new repo / project types-core. providing the minimum amount of core types useful in fulfilling interface aspects. This will be exposed in the runtime library via a new sub-path export #runtime/types/fvtt . I'd like to get a rough version up today. Some of it will just be pulling a minimal set of things from the v12 community types, but making sure things / distributed in a way that makes sense for TRL. At least with the AppV1 Application class things should be firmly defined....

Can't open more than one character sheet at a time

I'm having some trouble figuring out what's causing this behaviour. Any clues? ```javascript foundry.js:655 Error: An error occurred while rendering FF15ActorSheet 27. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parentElement') at Hooks.onError (foundry.js:654:24) at 🎁call_wrapped [as call_wrapped] (libWrapper-wrapper.js:507:22)...

TRL `0.2.0` Release

This is an archived post for the 0.2.0 release that discusses many changes between 0.1.x and 0.2.0. There was a 4 month beta / RC period leading up to the final 0.2.0 release. There is a lot of good information to refer to in this post, so I am not creating an additional post. If you are upgrading still from 0.1.x please refer to information below. --------- Greets @FVTT ▹ Developer,...

Is there any way to avoid 'game' is not defined lint error for vite build?

7:09:30 PM [vite-plugin-svelte] /Users/noeldacosta/code/foundryvtt-final-fantasy/src/components/organisms/item/shared/EffectsTab.svelte:172:768 'game' is not defined
7:09:30 PM [vite-plugin-svelte] /Users/noeldacosta/code/foundryvtt-final-fantasy/src/components/organisms/item/shared/EffectsTab.svelte:172:768 'game' is not defined

Injecting .svelte code into existing Foundry Document

okay, now that I've got my project set up with Svelte, how would I go about injecting the html from my .svelte file into existing html? In my existing code, I was able to use html.find('.sub-nav:not(.sub-sub-nav)').append('<a data-tab="subsystems" class="">Subsystems</a>') to add the subsystems tab in that top block, and I have an append statement prepped to get the rest of my html in the appropriate place as shown below: html.find('.container').append('<div class="tab" data-tab="subsystems" data-region="subsystems"> CODE HERE </div>')...
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Failed to resolve module specifier "#runtime/svelte/application"

Trying to set up a new module from the following repository. https://github.com/typhonjs-fvtt-demo/template-svelte-esm I followed all the instructions listed in the readme (though I did have to install Node.js separately, which wasn't specified) and everything seems fine except when I launch the world, I get this error. Any advice on how to resolve this? Did I not install something or install the wrong version? I downloaded Node.js 20.18.0...
No description

Discussion: TRL 0.2.0-next.1 Pre-release

Greets @FVTT ▹ Developer, I'd like to open a discussion prior to the initial 0.2.0-next.1 release to set expectations and address concerns. When released I recommend as many folks to upgrade as soon as possible to get a better testing pool. Like all of the TRL releases even the first "beta" release will be rock solid and production ready. The further next.X series of releases will mostly be refining types particularly new Foundry core types and other odds and ends. All of the major refactoring of sub-path exports will be present from the initial release as well as various fixes reported since v12 dropped and many other useful enhancements to TRL. The discussion below relates to 0.2.0 update concerns and not TRL 0.1.x. ...

TJSGameSettings doesn't respect `onChange` option?

So if I have a standard settings registration: ```javascript function dontShowWelcome() { game.settings.register(MODULE_ID, 'dontShowWelcome', { name: game.i18n.localize('GAS.Setting.DontShowWelcome.Name'),...

Derived Store - To use or not to use

From #dev-lounge - I'm thinking of rewriting my monolithic class-based stores in Item Piles to something more maintainable - when I create a derived store based on a value in another large store, is that faster/better than just creating multiple stores for the properties of the large store?

Separate components unintentionally updating one another

I don't know how I ended up here, but I have a bizarre bug where I have two windows open and one of them sends data to another. There is no code that shares state between the two.

How can I respond to the _onDrop event in the shell?

I'm working with a SvelteApplication. I can edit the _onDrop method on the sheet but how do I react to it in the svelte shell?

TJSGameSettings getStore not saving properly?

I have a bizzare interaction right now with TJSGameSettings.getStore / getWritableStore. It gets updated, I even see in the console through game.settings.get that the setting has been "updated" Then I refresh and the changes made disappear. What gives?...