TyphonJS•3mo ago

Live-changing Title

Is this possible to do with SvelteApp? To have an input change the title of the application live.
5 Replies
geoidesic•3mo ago
I found a way to set title dynamically here: https://discord.com/channels/737953117999726592/1322952750417449052 Maybe it helps you
TyphonJS (Michael)
TyphonJS (Michael)•3mo ago
You should check out essential-svelte-esm. Lot's of good demos there. The first demo ever made does this in src/view/svelte-application/hello-foundry/HelloFoundryAppShell.svelte.
const { application } = getContext('#external');
const storeTitle = application.reactive.storeAppOptions.title;

<input type=text bind:value={$storeTitle}>
const { application } = getContext('#external');
const storeTitle = application.reactive.storeAppOptions.title;

<input type=text bind:value={$storeTitle}>
VauxsOP•3mo ago
Ahhh I looked in the wrong place 😩 I was looking in the header buttons example
TyphonJS (Michael)
TyphonJS (Michael)•3mo ago
Heh heh... It's not entirely clear how many folks install essential-svelte-esm to check out various demos. At least I have organized them better than how things were prior to 0.2.0.
geoidesic•3mo ago
I also missed that one! Tx

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