Dropping items into ProseMirror causes error (how does enriched content work)?

When I drop an item into ProseMirror editor I get the following error:
foundry-esm.js:3571 Uncaught Error: Invalid number of embedded UUID parts
at Object.parseUuid (foundry-esm.js:3571:37)
at fromUuidSync (foundry.js:4916:72)
at foundry-esm.js:27811:62
at EditorView.someProp (foundry-esm.js:30442:52)
at parseFromClipboard (foundry-esm.js:27811:16)
at editHandlers.drop (foundry-esm.js:28705:19)
at view.dom.addEventListener.view.input.eventHandlers.<computed> (foundry-esm.js:28060:19)
foundry-esm.js:3571 Uncaught Error: Invalid number of embedded UUID parts
at Object.parseUuid (foundry-esm.js:3571:37)
at fromUuidSync (foundry.js:4916:72)
at foundry-esm.js:27811:62
at EditorView.someProp (foundry-esm.js:30442:52)
at parseFromClipboard (foundry-esm.js:27811:16)
at editHandlers.drop (foundry-esm.js:28705:19)
at view.dom.addEventListener.view.input.eventHandlers.<computed> (foundry-esm.js:28060:19)
Am I doing something wrong? Note that this was dropping an item from a compendium into an item that is itself in a a compendium.
2 Replies
TyphonJS (Michael)
It's the compendium in a compendium thing. What version of TRL are you using? Doesn't seem to be the latest 0.2.0 next. The latest should just silently fail. I am guessing you are using 0.1.3 for some reason. The ProseMirror transform paste handler is synchronous. There is no way to use the async fromUuid method to retrieve a document in nested compendiums in this manner. --- That error log doesn't even indicate this is a TRL issue...
Take it up with the core team. You are doing strange things once again.
geoidesicOP2mo ago
The reason is that 0.2.0 hasn't been released yet, I think? At least when I do yarn add @typhonjs-fvtt/runtime it installs v0.1.3 Although yarn add @typhonjs/standard does an install which lists @typhonjs-fvtt/[email protected] as a dependency. But I'll close this regardless and pick up any upgrade issues in the RTL -.2.0 Update Marathon discussion

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