Quest Log Permissions / Info

HI @larsvonawesome. You asked:
Trying to find more info on Forien's Quest Log; I'm having an issue where I as a GM can write in the description of a quest, but my players don't see that
Thanks for checking out the quest log. There are indeed a fair amount of options / settings that could be affecting this situation. Since I assume you might be new to using the quest log all quests start as "inactive" you have to make them "active" so that they become visible to players. Besides that there are ownership settings for quests, but quite likely you haven't touched that. This is where you can set the quests to be visible by particular players to make private quests. You'll have to provide more information in regard to what you are currently doing, but my guess is that perhaps you created a quest, but didn't make it active. There is a video tutorial series that covers all of the quest log features and more here that is useful to peruse. There are topic links in the description, so you can jump around to topics of interest: Let me know your particular situation and I'm sure it'll be resolved soon though.
9 Replies
larsvonawesome16mo ago
I've watched the video tutorials, but didn't see anything regarding this. The quest is active, and players can see everything in the quest I've made visible to them (available rewards upon completion but not the rewards I've purposely hidden, available sub tasks but not the tasks I've purposely hidden) but the actual description of the quest is hidden.
larsvonawesome16mo ago
No description
larsvonawesome16mo ago
thats the GM view. For reference, running the SR6 module 2.1.3 and the Foundry version 11 stable build 313
larsvonawesome16mo ago
No description
larsvonawesome16mo ago
thats the player view as you can see, nothing carries over in the description area
TyphonJS (Michael)
TyphonJS (Michael)OP16mo ago
Can you try things with all modules disabled except FQL? Also let me know the game system. I can take a look w/ the particular game system and just FQL enabled as well. It isn't clear why this wouldn't work and certainly would be a widely reported issue if this was the standard case. In the last year+ the only issues that have surfaced are CSS / style conflicts with various game systems and modules, so that is a potential likely candidate I'd like to rule out first. Not all 3rd party package developers follow best practices of targeting CSS / styles correctly. @larsvonawesome I spent about 45 minutes debugging this issue and it is a problem with the game system. I have logged an issue with the game system source repository here: The gist of the problem is that the game system registers custom Handlebars helpers with generic names. description is one of them and there is a description variable in the FQL templates. This is up to the Shadowrun game system maintainers to fix and I have suggested a solution to them, but who knows when it will be fixed / released by them. Perhaps make a comment on the issue I posted above or reach out to the maintainers of the game system.
larsvonawesome16mo ago
Thank you for all that work!! I'm sorry I hadn't gotten a chance to work on the stuff you said earlier; I really appreciate all the effort you've put into my issue in my little niche game setup
TyphonJS (Michael)
TyphonJS (Michael)OP16mo ago
It's always a curiousity to figure out what may break FQL. I've put a bunch of time into making it rock solid / game system neutral and there have been no bugs internally to FQL for ~2 years. This is the first time an external Handlebars conflict came up. Good news though is that the system maintainer responded to the issue and mentioned that a fix will be in place for the next SR6 release / 2.1.4. Do feel free to stick around. I post very low bandwidth announcements when a new FQL version is available, but usually it's once per Foundry core release.
larsvonawesome16mo ago
Thank you again! I will stay around, thank you.

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