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Need help in setting up queue in workers

hey I am creating a simple worker to get html code of websites, I want to create a worker which gets urls from local json file, and send them in a queue this queue then invoke other worker which will do the rest, I read documentation but found that i have to do it in a single worker fucntion, I can undersatnd anything there, please help me how to do this?

Changes not taking affect

I ran into a very weird issue today. I deploy my worker as usual, and it seem to be successful in the terminal and inside the cloudflare dashboard. However, nothing changes. I have also tried to run wrangler locally and I am experiencing the same thing. Once in every 10+~ deploys, the changes do take affect and work. What's going on? I have been using the same setup for a while now....

Changing worker usage model

Hi, Does changing a worker's Usage model in cloudflare worker dashboard incur downtime or is it only applied to new instances of that worker?

Can't send email from a worker.

I'm trying to send emails from a worker, I'm following the example in the docs, but I can't get it to work and I don't understand so parts of the code. I'm following the example here: The my main issue right now is this: ```js...

worker connected to * not working

i have a demo worker that works by itself but not through the connected domain connected domain is * and it is using an advanced certificate with total tls...
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Failed deployment: SvelteKit with `@auth/sveltekit`

Hello! Thanks for looking into this issue. I have a SvelteKit app here: The application builds successful, but it keeps failing at this step: ``` 15:49:35.814 Found _worker.js in output directory. Uploading. 15:49:36.719 ✨ Compiled Worker successfully...
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Question about deployment

Hello everyone, I have a question regarding deploying a Nuxt or Next project. To take advantage of all Nuxt features such as SSR, should I use Cloudflare Pages or Cloudflare Workers?

Custom CA for Worker

A service I call requires a custom CA cert. I've done this in node with axios by creating custom https agents and either settings rejectUnauthorized to false or passing in the cert value. AFAIK I am unable to pass these options into fetch in a worker, and also can't upload the cert to the worker somehow. The only thing I've seen is mTLS certs which doesn't seem applicable in my case because I only have a certificate file and not a key file. Any suggestions or insider knowledge around this issue? Seems like it'd be a pretty essential feature?...

binding and variables conflicting in env

Hi, I have a problem with the "env" in a worker. This worker uses another worker as a service and contains a variable. The wrangler.toml looks like this: [vars]...

executionCtx.waitUntil on write service

I have a worker that I want to call an external api on, but I want to return a response without awaiting the the external api call. (the external api call is to just save time writing to the db on another service). ```javascript const promise = fetch('http://localhost:3000/impression', { method: "POST",...

Measurement on cpu time

Is there any way to measure cpu time? Since doesn't work as it mentioned in this wiki My worker is run heavily on cpu with wasm like processing image , measure only database fetches or api fetches is not enough for request tracing, didn't give me enough info to visual the request timeline...

Issues accessing cloudflare worker via Todyl VPN

Hi, we are seeing timeouts when our client connects from their Todyl hosted VPN solution to our CloudFlare worker, has anyone else experienced issues recently with Todyl?

How to create a worker that can only be called from other workers - pages app calling service bindin

I have a next js app I host on cloudflare pages and a app. I wish to service bind the hono app to the next js app. But don't want the hono app to be externally accessible.

Deploy with Workers - deploy_to_cf_workers e2e.yml skipped

I cant seem to figure out why, I entered my account & API token but each time I try to deploy using the templates repo the deploy_to_cf_workers task skips the e2e.yml action. Thus the whole job skips. Any ideas?

D1 example integration broken when initializing with wrangler API

Hi, I created the worker example through the cloudflare dashboard, selected edit, and then found the command to initialize with wrangler for local development. After a bit of trial and error I found out the command was not --from-dash, but rather a newer command. npm create cloudflare pegs-api -- --existing-script pegs-api After doing this, I got a nice workspace initializing and all was good, until I tried running npm run deploy in the root folder of the project. Then I got binding DATABASE of type d1 must have an id specified [code: 10021]...

Workers metrics not showing of a specific peroid

I'm looking into metrics of our worker to understand the usage. However, when I load the metrics of the worker for the current month it doesn't show any metrics till 17th April (refer screenshot). I'm able to see the metrics for last month properly. Is this a bug?...
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Using another colo

Hello, I live in Korea and I know that korean can't use korea colo. But I want to use specific colo like Japanese colo not HKG, how can I do?
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Do I need to store my environment variables in wrangler.toml?

Do env vars need to be defined in the wrangle.toml? I initially have the env var in .dev.vars, and manually added the value for the env var in the Cloudflare, however, whenever I deploy the worker, it overrides the env var I manually configured. The worker is a public github, and I would rather not have the env var exposed. I know I could just use a secret, I would rather have env vars seperate from the code.

Why i can't able to import requests module??

is there any way to import requests module or not??
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Regarding the speed limit for individual IP addresses by workers, is it possible to restrict their a

Recently, I have been trying to build a high-performance API service using Worker (I am already a paid user of Worker). However, I still encounter a rate limit of 429. I can only make a maximum of 2000 requests per minute. Additionally, there is a firewall event with an Rule ID related to Worker in my firewall settings that I cannot disable. Can you provide me with a method to disable this restriction? I am confident that only authorized users can access my worker....