Custom CA for Worker

A service I call requires a custom CA cert. I've done this in node with axios by creating custom https agents and either settings rejectUnauthorized to false or passing in the cert value. AFAIK I am unable to pass these options into fetch in a worker, and also can't upload the cert to the worker somehow. The only thing I've seen is mTLS certs which doesn't seem applicable in my case because I only have a certificate file and not a key file. Any suggestions or insider knowledge around this issue? Seems like it'd be a pretty essential feature?
2 Replies
DaniFoldi11mo ago
Unfortunately I don't think workers support custom CAs. mTLS is a different feature, it's for clients to also provide a certificate during TLS handshake to establish trust both ways.
hob8yteOP11mo ago
Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate because it's such an essential feature for my company. Seems like workers are great when you're putting everything in your tech stack in the cloudflare environment, but it's not so great trying to integrate with older systems.

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