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Data Transfer Pricing for Workers - official docs

Hi all, it is my understanding that there is no ingress/egress data transfer fees for workers since the last pricing change happened a few years ago. However, there is no explicit comment on that anywhere in the pricing page for workers Interestingly enough 1) in the Queues section of that page there is and explicit mention : "There are no data transfer (egress) or throughput (bandwidth) charges." and on the D1 sections as well "There are no data transfer (egress) or throughput (bandwidth) charges for data accessed from D1.". The fact that there is an explicit mention on those products but not on workers is making one of our clients a bit uneasy(They are coming form CloudFront). Do you guys know of a place in the official docs where CF mentions explicitly that that are no Data Transfer fees for data going through workers? The only mention I can find is a 2021 blog post( but it's hard to defend on that alone....

How can I know if I have done RPC correctly?

right now I have configured elysia's rpc eden to use the service binding from cloudflare workers like so ```ts import type { App } from "@acme/api" import { edenTreaty } from "@elysiajs/eden"...

there is no KV namespace bound to the script

I'm trying to serve a static site from a cloudflare worker. I have set things up, but always get the above error: ``` [site] bucket = "./angular-app/dist" # Path to your static assets folder...
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How I Prevent DDoS on Workers

My workers are being targeted by a DDoS attack. Can you recommend some ways to prevent DDoS attacks?

Workers making 525 exception while connecting external API

We run all our infrastructure on Cloudflare. We deployed a Next.js SSR website and integrated next-auth with Naver OAuth2 API ( However, sometimes we receive a response with this body and login fails.
error code: 525
error code: 525
We are collecting additional logs through wrangler and need to fix this issue as soon as possible....

Durable Objects appear to be dropping elements in array

I have a queue that grabs 100 contacts per call and then loops back on itself until all of the contacts are gotten. I am using itty-durable if that matters. The problem is: When the array hits rougly 1000 entries, it starts dropping values. There are no other paths accessing this DO, and the only method that access the array is this one: ``` async addSends(items){...

User Validation Emails ✉

Is there a way to use works to send an email to validate the user email address? I can then just create a KV object to ensure the Token matches but I can't find the documentation on how to send emails to any address?...

AI Error

idk what kind of error is this can any one help
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Cloudflare pages function is not working with a static site

I am facing some issues while deploying pages function on cloudflare. I have made a simple website with HTML, TailwindCSS, JS and then deployed it on cloudflare pages with custom domain connected via github repo directly. It had been working perfectly, no issues there. But then I needed to add a contact form and receive the form data as a mail notification, I researched for a solution and started following this guide: My setup is almost the same with some minor differences....

Hyperdrive with Drizzle missing connectionString

I am working on a project and trying to use Hyperdrive to connect to our DB on superbase via drizzle. I have the following: ``` import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js"; import type { Hyperdrive } from "@cloudflare/workers-types";...

How do I list contents of local KV?

I'm running wrangler dev. I get this on startup: ``` Your worker has access to the following bindings: - KV Namespaces:...

Worker not working anymore :(

Hi, My worker, which hasn’t been deployed or modified in over a month, was functioning fine until yesterday. However, when I try to access the preview or test URL, I now see the message: "There is nothing here yet." I know the worker has been running correctly because I can see activity in the logs. Interestingly, my development worker used for testing is experiencing the same issue....

How to manage hono app that has more than 20,000 static assets?

Hi guys, So i have something like 100,000 font files that will be an option to read by an endpoint from hono worker, in other thread finally i know that i must use something like c.env.ASSET.fetch instead of readFile from node js. But now when i check the documentation there is a 20,000 max files limitation per worker version, what is that means? So how can i still use worker while my assets is more than 100,000? Thankss!...
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Smart Placement stops working within minutes

When deploying or modifying the settings of a Worker, Smart Placement becomes active, and the "placement_status" of the Worker, as confirmed via the API, changes to "SUCCESS." However, after about 10 to 30 minutes, it changes to "UNSUPPORTED_APPLICATION," and Smart Placement stops functioning entirely from that point onward. What could be causing this issue?...

Errors Crossing RPC boundaries?

I burned a number of hours today before i discovered surprising behavior when an Error subtype is thrown and then caught by an RPC caller. Here is the doc ... Example: If Worker1 calls Worker2 (via RPC), and Worker2 throws FooError extends Error { constructor(public bar:string = "testing") } ... then Worker1 receives the FooError serialized to Error, essentially all Exceptions are converted to Error (with all specialized attributes stripped). The error.message is mostly retained, but that's it?...

GPRC is very slow compared to HTTP service bindings when using workers smart placement

I have created 2 workers and have a service binding of one worker in another. When i call Worker B from Worker A and smart placement is enabled for Worker B, using RPC vs HTTP , RPC is very slow compared to HTTP. This is exactly as mentioned at Am i missing something ? Worker A Code:...

My build attempt hasn't been progressed due to probably RPC

I tried to build a Cloudflare Workers project which has prisma and ran npx prisma migrate deploy in the build env, but it hasn't been finished. I added DEBUG=* on the command and I found the last log was 20:13:28.561 prisma:getConfig config data retrieved without errors in getConfig Wasm +2ms In my local env, the next stdout is: prisma:schemaEngine:rpc SENDING RPC CALL ... ...

How to delete workers?

How to delete workers? ive created a few email workers via the GUI/web for testing purposes, but i cannot find a way to delete them again, even though they are un-referenced (not used)

API Shield JWT validation not available

I'm trying to use this feature, but not seeing it in the end point settings as this page describes it. I tried it both on free and pro accounts. What am I missing?

Websocket Costs estimation - The rabbit hole

I've been deep diving into the CF documentation and blogs for days, trying to crack the code on cost estimation, but I'm still lost in the fog. SOS! HILFE! :NotLikeThis: I need some help to estimate potential costs for using WebSockets. Example scenario: Let's say I've got 10 clients (front-ends) connected, and I'm sending 2 basic individual messages to each client every second (10kb pay load each?) = 20 messages/s. = 200kb/s. = 51,840,000 messages /month...