Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





Missing String - Dedi

Sorry, making a thread so I can keep track. As stated, here: "Name": "\u003CMISSING STRING TABLE ENTRY\u003E", "ClassName": "Desc_SteelPlate_C",...

Client side code only works for host in MP

I know this is (likely) the wrong way to do this, but I don't know the right way to go about it. This doesn't need to be replicated at all, this is an entirely client-side bit of functionality. This setup works for the MP host, but not for clients, and I'm not quite sure where to start with solving this....
Should I mark this thread as solved and make a new one, seeing as I originally misdiagnosed the problem? It's not that client side code doesn't execute, it's that custom bindings aren't working on a select number of keys for clients in a multiplayer session....
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Train skeletal mesh replacement breaks derailment and coupling

This is a very odd one. I'm using an SCS hook to add a component to trains that simply changes the skeletal mesh the skeletal mesh component (M Mesh) on the locomotive to a custom one. The custom skeletal mesh has the exact same setup as the original (as far as I can tell), other than one additional material, and a slightly modified mesh. It also uses the exact same skeleton as the original (not newly imported, it actually points towards the original skeleton) Animations and all that work fine, but when a new locomotive is placed, no new freight cars can be coupled, and train derailments (the locomotives just stop dead)...
I see it in the files, but not in the project. It might be there in a full dump though

How do i make an equippable weapon?

I have followed the tutorial on how to create an item following this guide: I have done the following: 1. Extracted the mesh for the Xeno-Zapper using FModel 2. Made a few adjustments to the mesh 3. Made new textures...
Look at the base game Xeno Zapper in the project files. Even though it's not a full-fledged Blueprint, you'll see its native parent class is different (I think it's FGEquipmentDescriptor). With this in mind, you should reparent your item to the same parent class.

Adding Helmet To Customization Menu

Does anyone know how to register a helmet to the Customization menu? I set up a helmet, with a mesh, and set up a FGPlayer Helmet Customization Desc blueprint, and a blank GameWorldModule (registered as root), but it still doesn't show. Anything else I have to add? (originally asked, but it got buried)...
You need to make sure your schematic mType is set to Customization
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Error Generating Visual Studio Files With CMD Or PowerShell

When attempting to generate my VS files via CMD or PowerShell I receive the error "Targets with a unique build environment cannot be built with an installed engine.". I initially removed the "&" and used my build command in CMD, however using the "&" and PowerShell still results in the same error. My build command is **"C:\Programs\Unreal Engine 5.3.2-CSS-66\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat" -projectfiles -project="C:\Programs\Unreal Engine 5.3.2-CSS-66\FactoryGame.uproject" -game -rocket -prog...
Update: This morning I decided to simply nuke my Unreal Editor installation and start over. This time I left the default UE installation folder name alone and put the starter project files in a subfolder. After re-integrating Wwise with the start project again, I used the context menu to generate the VS files and it worked without any errors! Now, instead of the file path looking like "C:\Programs\Unreal Engine 5.3.2-CSS-66 (raw project files stored here without a subfolder)" it now looks...

Wwise Issue on First Build

I get the following error when first building my project, completely fresh following the 1.0 instructions: Unable to find plugin 'WwiseNiagara' (referenced via FactoryGame.uproject). Install it and try again, or remove it from the required plugin list. I had found a similar issue from before, and the fix was somewhere in the dev docs. However, I've been unable to find where that fix is. I have the exact version of Wwise required installed and such.
If building FactoryGame for the first time and the following error appears: Unable to find plugin 'WwiseNiagara' (referenced via FactoryGame.uproject). Install it and try again, or remove it from the required plugin list. Reinstall the required version of Wwise, but leave the default plugins selected. Hopefully you dont need to setup the starter project files again, but it might be necessary. And always ensure the Wwise Launcher is up to date....

Train skeleton exporting incorrectly

For some reason Fmodel exports the bones on the train at the incorrect angles. As a consequence, importing the train model back to Unreal, and retargeting it to the original train skeleton causes all animations to be broken (see attached images)...
Managed to fix it. Both .glb and .fbx had bones offset at odd angles (30°, 60°, 105°,etc), and .fbx also had extra bones at the end of every bone .psk imported with the bones offset by 90° (the official blender extension site has a .psk importer) Went in and manually fixed the offsets everywhere, and now I've got a working rigged model again....
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Default foundation swatch not applying immediately

On my custom foundations with ficsit or concrete material, changing the default swatch doesn't change the foundations color unless it is updated(?)
I think it might be related to this bug actually

Model animation gets choppy from small distance

Hi, I made some pumping animation for a model, and in-game it gets choppy and low quality when I get farther from the machine. I am new to UE, so i am guessing this is some LOD-like feature, but other animations in the game do not get low quality this close to the machine. I am using an animation blueprint with a state machine. Idle state is no animation, producing state is pumping. It should have a transation when starting up or stopping. State is determined by whether the machine is producing. My main problem is the animation quality dropping real fast as getting farther, a more minor problem is that the transitions do not play, in fact there is no animation at all when the machine is not producing, it just freezes....
Try changing mTickExponent and mSignificanceRange

Model not showing up ingame or in buildable.

Im follwing the tutorial in the docs on creating a solar panel, and i have downloaded a model that i want to use. I immported the model and its texture and it looks great in the preview of the static mesh, but i dont know how to get it to show up in the FGBuildableGenerator Blueprint. I think thats the reason why it also isnt showing up ingame. There i can select it in the build gun bu it doesnt have a model and i also cant interact with it, as it has no hitbox
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Dedicated Server Commands

Hello everyone, sorry if this is not the right place or even the right discord server, but I'm looking to make a companion tool for the dedicated server! I've been able to implement the HTTPS API but the basic functions are quite limited. However, one of the most interesting functions in there is the RunCommand function, that will allow any console command you can input to the Console tab in the Server Manager from the game. Unfortunately, apart from server.generateAPIToken I've been unsuccessful in finding a list of it online, does anyone have any idea if there's a list somewhere that I would have missed, or if you have any clue on how to retrieve it from the game or server themselves? Thank you very much! 🙏...
Thank you all for your replies! Upon further inspection, as it doesn't seem it's even possible to get connected players from there or anything, I figured it would be smarter to leverage Ficsit Remote Monitor instead...

How do I update the toolkit?

I want to update the toolkit so I can dev for 1.0. I'm not sure what I need to do and the docs are occasionally hard for me to follow. They read like a FicsIt Manual.
this guide covers everything you need to do to update your modding env to 1.0

Help with exception when cycling Player Character Equipment

Hey all! I was getting help in a thread that I wrongly create in the bp channel. I will repost here as I think is better for visibility. I was getting some help from @D4rk already (thank you very much by the way). So here is what I'm trying to do:...
I managed to change the active equipment with the key binding shortcut key

Access Transformers problems

I am trying to allow access to FWwiseSoundBankManagerImpl from a mod, and I thought that I added the access transformer correctly, but I keep getting that "Unused friend access transformer" message--what could I be doing wrong? My access transformer config is like this: ``` [AccessTransformers]...

Custom Unreal Engine Failing to Install

Hi yall, I'm trying to set up the environment for modding Satisfactory at the moment, but I'm running into an error while trying to install the custom engine linked by the modding documentation ( I've got all three of the files in the same folder, but I'm repeatedly getting the error shown in the screenshot. Attempting to try again or cancel install and restart the install doesn't help. I am telling the installer to install into the same folder it and the bin files are currently in, if that could be the reason why it's not working..? Other than that, I'm stumped at the moment....
changing the install directory to be closer to the root of the drive (E:\Unreal Engine - CSS) seems to have worked!
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Override base game static mesh

As the title says, I'm trying to figure out how to replace a base game static mesh with a custom one, but I can't seem to find a way to do this in the documentation. Is this not possible, or am I just being dumb?...

Having issues with quick switch groups

I'm making a custom foundation type but I'm having issues incorporating in the existing foundations. It just appears in every group, and if I switch material it just disappears. I'm also having issues with the material (for now I just have the concrete type)
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Asset Dumper problem

On executing the powershell cmd im getting this error (IMG) I Generate and rebuild the whole project. Also deleted the mod and alpakit it again....
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Creating Blueprints input/return nodes

I am followingthe docs. on and now i have to creade my first blueprint "code". I am able to create every node i need besides the purple ones. (Factory Grab Output, Return Node). How can i get these in the graph?
Those purple nodes are related to function definitions