


Nuxt Community Chat Server


how to apply css modules to hash css selectors in nuxtjs3?

how to apply css modules to hash css selectors in nuxtjs3?

Cookie nginx+pm2

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, _from) => { const user = useStrapiUser() const authPage = ['login', 'signup'] const noAuthPage = ['blog-slug', 'blog', 'docs-slug', 'docs', 'pricing', 'index']...

How to access data env in composable?

How to get data from env in composable?

Help with Resend

I'm trying to test out resend. On local its working fine but in production on Vercel free tier its not: Getting: 500 internal server error I'm the setup found here:

What is base, padding and constrained in Container props?

In the docs I cannot understand what are the meaning of these props? How can I change them? If I set padding 0, I still have a default padding

Typescript linting?

I have the official nuxt eslint module in my project, no further custom configuration. However, I get no typescript errors from my linter about actual typescript errors, just stuff like "don't use any", but no "hey this function should have a number but you gave a string". Is mismatching function indexes or other "not adhering to interface" not something the linter should pick up on? Does it need additional configuration? Or do I need separate tooling for this? (and why wouldn't it be part of th...

what folder name is suitable for internalization

what folder name is suitable for internalization in nuxtjs3 ? should I put it on folder composable>constants or make it separately?


Hello I use nuxt-electron but when the application opens I get this error and nothing loads: node:3644) electron: Failed to load URL: http://localhost:3000/ with error: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS...

Layers and overriding order

I have this folder structure: ``` ... layers/ ├── base/...

Is it possible to have Nitro update when virtual modules are invalidated during handleHotUpdate?

From a custom vite plugin the following works great:
server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(virtualSliceModule, undefined, timestamp)
server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(virtualSliceModule, undefined, timestamp)
Client side responds appropriately but I can't seem to get the SSR to see the changes in the virtual module. On reload it loads the old info and then hydrates with the correct info. ...

Why does `fetch('/api/profile')` gives "Invalid URL" when `$fetch('/api/profile')` works just fine?

I am using a the Hono client RPC framework to use this. Behind the fetch, hono uses the default fetch API which results in an error "Invalid URL". So I configured the client to use $fetch instead. However, I no longer have the type safety that hono provides. Why can't the normal fetch work when the Nuxt is rendering the page in the server??
No description

Debugging server utils not defined

For some reason I have an issue that all server utils dont seem to be available as types and at runtime as well. It used to work fine before ( I have a a lot of server utils ). Rather than a solution I would like to have some tips on how to debug the issue....

Cannot start nuxt: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

I have started a new project and fallowed instructions of getting started installation page. Only commands I executed to install and start nuxt in dev mode: npx nuxi@latest init my-project npm run dev (in my-project directory) ...

How use vuetify-nuxt-module with themes?

Hi everyone. We want to know how use the module vuetify-nuxt-module for create a theme. I don't understand where to put the theme. The documentation helpfull for other thing it's doesn't clear in this point. And when I ask to Google and GPT We doesn't find nothing clear. Can you help us.

Can i custom Nuxt MDC component style ?

i want Markdown style of vue press. but im not finding how to set it up and fix it. need description of config settings required for style change...

Nuxt auto-imports with Nested component

How to make auto-imports work with Nested component? Say you have this inside components/SomeComponent.ts file ```ts const _SomeComponent = defineComponent((props) => { return () => h('div', props.message)...

nuxt/fonts - same font name, different weights

Hey guys, i am trying to use the same font name but different weights. Using local provider. ```js fonts: { families: [ { name: 'Mark-WXX', src: '/fonts/mark-wxx-book.woff2', weight: 'normal' },...

Center Notifications on the screen

Hey, I want to make my notification toast appear at the bottom center of the screen. How would I do that?

Error: Vitest failed to access its internal state

Hello guys! I was writing some tests, and I suddenly get stucked with this error. My config does not have anything fancy (do not ask for a reproduction case), as it consists of a running nuxt app, with @nuxt/test-utils setup as mentionned by the doc. ...

About NuxtLoadingIndicator

I want to ask you guys about nuxtloadingindicator when switching pages. I want to show that. How can i make that happen to show? (ex. const nuxtapp = useNuxtapp(); after that i will use hooks that page:loading:start and end to handle start and finished functions from useLoadingIndictor util. I am using that method but didn't work.)