Created by kogratte on 7/5/2024 in #❓・help
Cannot extend layer
Hello guys! We're working on a brand new product how intend to use the same building blocks than our main app. In order to do so, we want to move common blocks (aka design system, itself based on a layer), onto a shared and reusable package. To achieve that, we create a new layer using nuxi new, then add our first "inner layer" (design system), which itself extends a "child layer", based on vuetify. Our hierarchy looks like that: / /layers/design-system /layers/design-system/layers/vuetify We've been able to use our package through "nuxi dev", we've been able to build it using "nuxi build", and even to pack and publish it through a private npm repository. Now our foundations looks strong, we're trying to install it on our older project as a regular npm dep, and extend is from our main app. It looks like below:
yarn add -D our_shared_package // Which is, in fact, a packaged layer
// Then, in our main nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
extends: ['our_shared_package']
yarn add -D our_shared_package // Which is, in fact, a packaged layer
// Then, in our main nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
extends: ['our_shared_package']
But... Rather than working out of the box, nuxi is complaining about `Cannot extends from our_shared_package". I read the documentation again and again, check the package content and so on, and everything looks fine. We do not have a clue concerning what's not going right. Is there a way for us to deep dive into our issue and understand what need to be fixed, where and why?
2 replies
Created by kogratte on 5/27/2024 in #❓・help
Content, Github driver, Auth
Hello guys! Is there a way to fetch content from a private repository using the github driver? How should I pass the auth parameters? I can't find anything...
1 replies
Created by kogratte on 4/10/2024 in #❓・help
Reuse pages?
Good evening! I have a set of pages I would like to use in different locations, without duplications. Let's imagine the global structure. /my-module/ /my-module/a.vue /my-module/b.vue I now want to use those pages in a different context. /context/my-module /context/my-module/a.vue /context/my-module/a.vue Behaviour should remain the same, only context is changing. As those are pages, not components, I'm not sure how to achieve this. Any clue? #layer #pages #reuse
10 replies