Created by Wander on 12/3/2024 in #❓・help
What is base, padding and constrained in Container props?
In the docs I cannot understand what are the meaning of these props? How can I change them? If I set padding 0, I still have a default padding
9 replies
Created by Wander on 10/29/2024 in #❓・help
[solved] beforeEnter in Nuxt3
Hello everyone! Having a difficult time migrating our big-big project from Nuxt2 to Nuxt3, heh. In one of my pages I have the route guard "beforeRouteEnter", which I cannot find in setup hooks (only onBeforeRouteLeave and onBeforeRouteUpdated). I googled this, but did not find any actual solution for this. In vue-router "beforeEnter" now is set in routes definition file directly, not on the page. Any workarounds on this in Nuxt3? Thank you!
7 replies