Donald Biden
Donald Biden
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Created by Donald Biden on 12/11/2024 in #❓・help
Scan file that exports components with addComponentsDir
Is scanning a file possible with addComponentsDir? The location of the components is runtime/components/index.ts and inside that file exports components from another module:
export { AComponent, BComponent, CComponent } from 'some-npm-module';
export { AComponent, BComponent, CComponent } from 'some-npm-module';
and I want to make them auto-importable with my nuxt module so I did this:
path: resolver.resolve('./runtime/components')
path: resolver.resolve('./runtime/components')
But it doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something?
9 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 12/2/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt auto-imports with Nested component
How to make auto-imports work with Nested component? Say you have this inside components/SomeComponent.ts file
const _SomeComponent = defineComponent((props) => {
return () => h('div', props.message)
}, {
props: ['message']

const Test = defineComponent(() => {
return () => null

const SomeComponent = Object.assign(_SomeComponent, {

export default SomeComponent
const _SomeComponent = defineComponent((props) => {
return () => h('div', props.message)
}, {
props: ['message']

const Test = defineComponent(() => {
return () => null

const SomeComponent = Object.assign(_SomeComponent, {

export default SomeComponent
The SomeComponent works in SFC, but not the nested one
<SomeComponent message="Hello World">
<SomeComponent.Test />
<SomeComponent message="Hello World">
<SomeComponent.Test />
11 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt Fontaine redundant compatibility version?
I looked up at fontaine's Nuxt compat here and it says
meta: {
configKey: 'fontMetrics',
name: '@nuxtjs/fontaine',
compatibility: {
nuxt: '>=3.0.0-rc.6 || ^4.0.0',
meta: {
configKey: 'fontMetrics',
name: '@nuxtjs/fontaine',
compatibility: {
nuxt: '>=3.0.0-rc.6 || ^4.0.0',
The current semver range >=3.0.0-rc.6 || ^4.0.0 is redundant since >=3.0.0-rc.6 already includes all versions of v4.x.x and higher. This can be simplified to just >=3.0.0-rc.6. However, if the intent is to only support v3 and v4, consider using ^3.0.0-rc.6 || ^4.0.0 instead to properly bound the major versions. What do you think?
5 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 11/12/2024 in #❓・help
Module authoring with tsup
No description
5 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 10/11/2024 in #❓・help
Server middleware ordering with modules
I think this message by @BracketJohn was ignored by @pi0 and @danielroe and other Nuxt core team mebers a lot of times - There are plenty of cases where you're authoring a module and installing a server middleware that attaches a context so that userland can access it as well when they have their own custom middleware - but this isnt the case. The custom middlewares you put inside server/middlewares will run first before the middleware added by modules. Before anyone answers "just add a number to your custom middleware so it runs last", no it does not work. It only works on the middlewares you put inside server/middlewares but not middlewares installed by modules. Is this something that will be tackled in the future? If not, is there a way to make sure middlewares added by modules (addServerMiddleware) will run first? Thank you so much!
8 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 10/6/2024 in #help
Add provider component to context
Hi, is this an anti-pattern in Fresh?
export default function App({ Component, SomeProvider }: PageProps) {
return (
<Component />
export default function App({ Component, SomeProvider }: PageProps) {
return (
<Component />
Basically SomeProvider is attached to the ctx via middleware. Use-case is if you want to add server props coming from state. So instead of doing something like:
import { SomeProvider } from 'your-library'

export default function App({ Component, state }: PageProps) {
return (
<SomeProvider serverProp1={state.serverProp1} serverProp2={state.serverProp2}>
<Component />
import { SomeProvider } from 'your-library'

export default function App({ Component, state }: PageProps) {
return (
<SomeProvider serverProp1={state.serverProp1} serverProp2={state.serverProp2}>
<Component />
It improves DX since user-land wont have to do this anymore. Will it be unique to each request? And if yes, how would you update PageProps type?
8 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 10/1/2024 in #help
Redirecting inside a page in Fresh 2.0
Is returning a redirect response like this not working in Fresh 2.0 anymore?
import { define } from '../utils.ts';

export default Page({ state }) {
if (!state.isLoggedIn) {
return new Response('', {
status: 307,
headers: { Location: '/sign-in' },

return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
I am logged in
import { define } from '../utils.ts';

export default Page({ state }) {
if (!state.isLoggedIn) {
return new Response('', {
status: 307,
headers: { Location: '/sign-in' },

return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
I am logged in
Also, ctx.redirect is undefined so it's likely not implemented yet I believe?
3 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 9/30/2024 in #help
How to load islands in Fresh 2.0 plugins?
Im doing this one but looks like it's not working
import * as allIslands from './islands/mod.ts' // named export components

export function somePlugin<T>(
app: App<T>,
options: SomeOptions = {}
) {

const islandsUrl = new URL('./islands/mod.ts', import.meta.url);
for (const key of Object.keys(allIslands)) {
app.island(islandsUrl, key, allIslands[key])
import * as allIslands from './islands/mod.ts' // named export components

export function somePlugin<T>(
app: App<T>,
options: SomeOptions = {}
) {

const islandsUrl = new URL('./islands/mod.ts', import.meta.url);
for (const key of Object.keys(allIslands)) {
app.island(islandsUrl, key, allIslands[key])
15 replies
Created by Donald Biden on 8/10/2024 in #❓-help
Guides on authoring own client like `@trpc/react`
Hello, are there plans or guides to create own client useQuery in @trpc/react? I'm asking this because I plan to create something for Svelte + Tanstack Svelte Query but looking at the source code for v11, the types are scattered all around and i cannot seem to follow. Also, there is 1. createRecursiveProxy 2. createTRPCClientProxy 3. createTRPCFlatProxy and many others which is sooo confusing Any help would be much appreciated
1 replies