


Nuxt Community Chat Server


dynamic route getRouterParams not updated

Hey all! I have a server setup like so in the attached screenshot. When I call getRouterParam and use the string slug, the value comes back as undefined but when I use the string id it works. I had previously had the file called id but realized that wasn't accurate so I updated it. Has anyone hit this before? Is it that the file name won't update the Nuxt API? It's working so not a big issue, but I'd like to make sure my code is readable. this is how I'm using it now: ```const slug = g...
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Rspack: Maximum call stacksize exceeded

Hi, I'm trying to test out the rspack building in one of my project and I get this almost immediately when trying to do a build: any idea what could go wrong with the rspack builder? ```sh ERROR Nuxt Build Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded nuxi 11:10:25 AM...

Running into EACCESS permission denied

I have an issue open on github with more details: Anyone with some insights/help? even maybe from ? Thanks in advance...

Third party static content

I'm working on a nuxt project which I now want to extend using a third party generated content (a static website generated using another toolchain). What would be the best way to go? I'm not able to properly use this kind of module (it didn't work): ```ts export default defineNuxtModule({...

Infinite scrolling with useAsyncData

Hello guys, I wanted to know what's the correct way to implement infinite scroll in nuxt3 using useAsyncData

@nuxtjs/prismic high API usage

Hi, Sysadmin here, we have paid for a website which is based on nuxt and which uses primic. For a while now we have been troubled by the high prismic API usage not matching the real traffic of our website. Today I found out looking at our network logs that our nuxt application is doing batch of API calls to prismic every seconds server side ... Any user of @nuxtjs/prismic here could help me with this unwanted behavior ? Thanks....

skill issue

Hello, nobody had a problem when you start a project on nuxt and similar things and nothing appears in the browser on port 3000?
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Broken page when hosting as an SPA from S3

I'm building my app as an SPA and serving on an S3 bucket. I have ssr: false in my nuxt config and use generate to create the app bundle. However, after uploading the bundle to s3, the page doesn't render correctly. The index page is draw but without any styles loading Here is the page on load: image 1 Interestingly the response in entry.BwV9nihY.css returns the same content as index.html...
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external library overriding component scoped classes in style

I have a modal component with scoped style like this ``` <style lang="scss" scoped> .modal-wrapper { width: 100%;...

Nuxt 2 PWA Caching issue

Hello! I'm using the PWA module on my Nuxt 2 project. I'm running into an issue: I have a list of events which I'm requesting through some internal API url and saving it in the vuex store. When I use my PWA, it is not fetching latest data. The event list stays as it is once you have downloaded the PWA. How do I fix that? ...

Problems with loading/rendering a list of items when switching pages

On the products page, I implemented product loading and a "Load More" button. This is done using a ref variable page and useLazyAsyncData with the parameter watch: [page]. Since the data returned by useLazyAsyncData contains only new items, and I need to append these to the list, I created another ref variable called products, where I concatenate the items from the data. I do this using a watch: watch(data, (newData) => { if (newData && newData.products) { products.value = products.value.concat(newData.products);...

AWS Amplify and Nuxt Image not loading

Hi, I am trying to get images working on AWS amplify with SSR, but with no success. Locally everything works fine, but on deployed site, all images from public/images folder are not showing, using NuxtImg component. Anyone had a simmilar issue?

How do you query `z.array()` fields (e.g. tags) in the latest content module (v3.alpha.8)

In the previous version of nuxt-content (v2) I would simply query tags like so:
.where({ tags: { $contains: tagSlug } })
.where({ tags: { $contains: tagSlug } })
However there is no contains in v3, and the logic for in seems to require the reverse operation. I've tried like and that doesn't work either. ...

Help Needed: Nuxt 3 – Ensuring SSR-Only API Calls & Preventing CSR Requests During Navigation

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a Nuxt 3 application with multiple pages, and I've encountered some issues with SSR and CSR behavior during navigation: My Use Case...

Middleware doesn't print log

Here's a grammatically corrected version of your text: Hello everyone, I am encountering a strange error in my middleware I created a middleware that redirects the user to the registration page if the authentication token does not exist or is invalid everything works fine on the Windows environment, and the server (Ubuntu environment) seems fine when I first log in allowing me to access the dashboard without any issue. However, when I refresh the page, I get redirected to the registration page, even though the token exists and is valid and After further investigation I found that the issue is in the last line of the code. I tried to print the error, but nothing is printed, even after I disabled the redirect. Interestingly, after disabling the redirect, the dashboard was able to use the token to identify the user. ```...


ERROR Pre-transform error: [@vue/compiler-sfc] Failed to resolve extends base type. 6:51:55 PM
If this previously worked in 3.2, you can instruct the compiler to ignore this extend by adding /* @vue-ignore / before it, for example: interface Props extends / @vue-ignore */ Base {} ...

Server side dynamic import

Is there a way use await import(....) on the server side? I've tried importing the full path with and without the extension and both give errors. Using .ts says unknown file extension .ts and without ext, says Cannot find module. I tried using the relative path, IE ~~/server/utils/foo/bar but that says cannot find module ~~. I'm not loading a nitro plugin or module, just a normal ts file with an export I'm checking for once loaded.

Trouble bundling module

Hi! I'm trying to bundle my nuxt module but when I use it in another project I get
The requested module 'http://localhost:3000/_nuxt/@fs/home/me/my-project/node_modules/is-buffer/index.js?v=9453f87c' doesn't provide an export named: 'default'
The requested module 'http://localhost:3000/_nuxt/@fs/home/me/my-project/node_modules/is-buffer/index.js?v=9453f87c' doesn't provide an export named: 'default'

Nuxt + cloudinary in pnpm monorepo setup

Hello everyone, sorry for the probably trivial question but I'm quite new in the nuxt environment but I'm captivated by its community and tools 🙂 I succesfully installed and tested @nuxtjs/cloudinary plugin on a fresh project but I'm now struggling trying to import that inside a monorepo , where one "folder" is the nuxt app itself. I installed the plugin, but I get the following error once I import it. ...

Firebase error

I'm having troublue using Firebase with Nuxt, even following this video: I'm still getting the error: Error adding document: FirebaseError: Expected first argument to collection() to be a CollectionReference, a DocumentReference or FirebaseFirestore I use Firebase as a plugin using the following code: ...