Accessing components list on server side plugin
I'm having trouble accessing the components list in a nuxtjs plugin. Can someone please send an example or help me?
For context: I need to access all components on the server side to define some record that I will use to parse content using nuxt/content.
8 replies
No hot reload for runtime/plugin when developing custom nuxt content transformer
Hello 👋
While developing a custom nuxt/content transformer, I found myself having an annoying problem... Hot reload doesn't work for my runtime/plugin file...
I followed the documentation at https://content.nuxt.com/recipes/transformers and have the following module.ts:
Thanks in advance for your help!
1 replies
Nitro compressPublicAssets not working in docker image
Hey 👋
I added the following nitro config to my nuxt app:
But using compressPublicAssets prevents the nuxt build from correctly finishing in our docker image.
There's no error, but there's also no files in .output/
Here's our docker file:
4 replies
Fallback content using 'useAsyncData'
I'm using nuxt content to load some markdown content. In my use case, if the document is not found, I need to retry using other params. I was wondering what was the best way to implement this since I don't want to block the rendering and still cache the loaded content.
1 replies
Support of the new URL(..., import.meta.url) syntax?
Hey guys,
I wanted to know if nuxt.js supports the
new URL(..., import.meta.url)
If there's none at the moment, can you tell me how I can help add it? This is a big blocker for an education project at the moment (I cannot fully use monaco-editor-wrapper).6 replies