Explore posts from servers`#shared` types. Failed to resolve extends base type.
I'm trying to use the new
functionality and have a ./shared/types/Budget.ts
file that exports multiple interfaces. I can successfully use them automatically in my code and VSCode knows about them. However, when I run the nuxt app, I get Internal server error: [@vue/compiler-sfc] Failed to resolve extends base type.
10 replies
Cannot access before initialization
I have a few custom nitro aliases setup:
My cron source file imports
import { defineQueue } from '#queue-handlers'
but this is giving me the following error: ERROR [nitro] [uncaughtException] Cannot access 'defineQueue' before initialization
It seems like some sort of registration timing or order but I can't see what.5 replies
Setting cookie with sendRedirect
I'm having a weird error where I can't make a simple replication for it seems. I am logging in a user and setting their session via
then I am redirecting them back to where they came from using sendRedirect
. However that results in their session NOT being set. If I simply comment out the sendRedirect
everything works fine though.5 replies
Failed to resolve import "#tailwind-config"
The Nuxt TailwindCSS module docs state I can use
import tailwindConfig from '#tailwind-config'
. However, I get the following error when trying that: Failed to resolve import "#tailwind-config"
Does anyone have any idea4 replies
AsyncLocalStorage server side
I've been looking at the documentation for the experimental feature
. I'm confused if this is a client side only feature or if it's supposed to work server side to? My understanding was AsyncLocalStorage
was on the node side, not the browser side. I'm trying to use it in a server side util to get some data from the db with the logged in user information but useNuxtApp
is undefined there. I'm not exactly sure what to use. I'm calling this from a defineEventHandler
api route which I thought it should work in.5 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by bnason on 10/22/2024 in #general-help
Serve url on any subdomain
I have an app deployed at and I would like to have all urls that match /_debug/* on ANY of our subdomains (IE, baz.example) to be routed behind the scenes (NOT redirected) to that url. For instance, if someone goes to I want Cloudflare to basically change the backend to the ip and served the page really at
If I were doing this in HAProxy, I would create an acl
acl debug ^\/__debug/.*
with use_backend foo if debug
9 replies
Shared types/utils
There appears to be work on a common
folder that can be imported/auto-imported via both Vue and the server at
Is there a way to achieve this now in Nuxt3 by just updating my config? I understand the full implementation of this feature will have guards in place, but I just need a simple single location that is auto imported on both sides.2 replies
Auto import server utils
Is there any to have
auto imported in the server side?
I've tried to modify the nuxt config imports.dir as well as creating a custom module that calls addServerImportsDir
but neither seem to have an effect.22 replies
useLogger from `@nuxt/kit` on server side
I'm trying to use
from @nuxt/kit
in a server side util, but I get the following:
Is it ONLY available in a nuxt module? Thats what the docs show as its usage.
Is the setup of a nuxt module not done server side?6 replies
Using fetch in composable with shared results
I have a vue composable that loads an api endpoint and I want any call to my
composable to return the same useFetch
results so if someone calls the clear or refresh methods it appies everywhere.2 replies
Cannot find name 'defineNuxtConfig'
I have no why this all of a sudden started happening. I'm getting this error in my nuxt.config.ts
Cannot find name 'defineNuxtConfig'. Did you mean 'defineNitroConfig'?
I'm running the dev server. I've tried deleting the .nuxt and then running dev server again. I've restarted vscode as well as restarted the ts server.5 replies