Muhammad Awais
Muhammad Awais
Created by Muhammad Awais on 3/6/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt UI Pro dashboard sidebar not rendering.
I'm creating a dashboard in nuxt ui but the side bar is not rendered at all. I have followed all the installation steps.
7 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 1/8/2025 in #❓・help
Infinite scrolling with useAsyncData
Hello guys, I wanted to know what's the correct way to implement infinite scroll in nuxt3 using useAsyncData
5 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 12/24/2024 in #❓・help
Wrapper to a component with same props, emits and other attributes
Hi everyone, I have been using formkit from over a year now. But the thing I struggle with most is consistent styling. I'm using tailwindcss and working in an on-going project so can't use themes I might have to do alot of overwrites. One solution I come up with is to create wrapper components, the hurdle to this approach is props passing and listening to emits. Can anyone guide me how can I create wrapper components. Thank you
14 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 9/16/2024 in #❓・help
Google Auth scopes for nuxt-auth-utils
Hello everyone, I'm trying to integrate google sign-in in my app. And I have added the scopes for the birthday, gender and country. But the user returned by the nuxt-auth event have basic profile properties only. I have to make another api call to extract extra information. Is there any way to get all the properties on the user returned after authentication is successful.
1 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 8/23/2024 in #❓・help
Handling multiple modals.
How can we handle multiple modals within the Nuxt app. I have separate modals for signup, login, password reset and some other things. But I'm unable to manage them globally. I have tried useState but it throws the error cannot stringify functions. Here are my implementations: usemodal works as a controller for single modal
export const useModal = (closeOtherModals: () => void) => {
const isOpen = ref(false);

function open() {
isOpen.value = true;

function close() {
isOpen.value = false;

return {
isOpen: computed(() => isOpen.value),
export const useModal = (closeOtherModals: () => void) => {
const isOpen = ref(false);

function open() {
isOpen.value = true;

function close() {
isOpen.value = false;

return {
isOpen: computed(() => isOpen.value),
define-modals defines all the modals available.
export default () => {
const modals = useState(
(): { [k: string]: ReturnType<typeof useModal> } => {
return {};
const closeModals = () => {
let modal: keyof typeof modals.value;
for (modal in modals.value) {
if (modals.value[modal].isOpen.value) {

modals.value = {
login: useModal(closeModals),
signup: useModal(closeModals),
forgotPassword: useModal(closeModals),
resetPassword: useModal(closeModals),
emailConfirmationSuccess: useModal(closeModals),
emailConfirmationFailed: useModal(closeModals),
bookingDetailsModal: useModal(closeModals),
profileCompletionModal: useModal(closeModals),
return {
loginModal: modals.value.login,
signupModal: modals.value.signup,
forgotPasswordModal: modals.value.forgotPassword,
resetPasswordModal: modals.value.resetPassword,
emailConfirmSuccessModal: modals.value.emailConfirmationSuccess,
emailConfirmFailedModal: modals.value.emailConfirmationFailed,
bookingDetailsModal: modals.value.bookingDetailsModal,
profileCompletionModal: modals.value.profileCompletionModal,
export default () => {
const modals = useState(
(): { [k: string]: ReturnType<typeof useModal> } => {
return {};
const closeModals = () => {
let modal: keyof typeof modals.value;
for (modal in modals.value) {
if (modals.value[modal].isOpen.value) {

modals.value = {
login: useModal(closeModals),
signup: useModal(closeModals),
forgotPassword: useModal(closeModals),
resetPassword: useModal(closeModals),
emailConfirmationSuccess: useModal(closeModals),
emailConfirmationFailed: useModal(closeModals),
bookingDetailsModal: useModal(closeModals),
profileCompletionModal: useModal(closeModals),
return {
loginModal: modals.value.login,
signupModal: modals.value.signup,
forgotPasswordModal: modals.value.forgotPassword,
resetPasswordModal: modals.value.resetPassword,
emailConfirmSuccessModal: modals.value.emailConfirmationSuccess,
emailConfirmFailedModal: modals.value.emailConfirmationFailed,
bookingDetailsModal: modals.value.bookingDetailsModal,
profileCompletionModal: modals.value.profileCompletionModal,
Inject/provide were not also helpful as state is not SSR friendly in that case.
11 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 7/2/2024 in #❓・help
fetch wrapper for api calls
Hello people, I have struggling with creating a nice wrapper around $fetch from a long time now. Here is a complete overview of what I want. A function that I can use for authenticated requests and when a request gives unauthorized error (401) means the current auth token is expired then I want to call refresh token api and update the auth token, retry the previous request with new token. Here is what I have been able to come up with:
type Request = Parameters<typeof $fetch>[0];

type ExtendedFetchOptions = Parameters<typeof $fetch>[1] & {
authToken: string;
refreshTokens: () => Promise<string>;

export default async function authorizedRequest<T>(
request: Request,
options: ExtendedFetchOptions,
): Promise<API_Response<T>> {
try {
const response = await $fetch<API_Response<T>>(request, {
headers: {
Authorization: options.authToken,
baseURL: useRuntimeConfig().public.baseURL,
return response;
} catch (fetchError: any) {
if (fetchError.statusCode == constants.STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) {
try {
const newToken = await options.refreshTokens();
options.authToken = newToken;
return authorizedRequest(request, options);
} catch (refreshTokenError: any) {
throw refreshTokenError;
throw fetchError;
type Request = Parameters<typeof $fetch>[0];

type ExtendedFetchOptions = Parameters<typeof $fetch>[1] & {
authToken: string;
refreshTokens: () => Promise<string>;

export default async function authorizedRequest<T>(
request: Request,
options: ExtendedFetchOptions,
): Promise<API_Response<T>> {
try {
const response = await $fetch<API_Response<T>>(request, {
headers: {
Authorization: options.authToken,
baseURL: useRuntimeConfig().public.baseURL,
return response;
} catch (fetchError: any) {
if (fetchError.statusCode == constants.STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) {
try {
const newToken = await options.refreshTokens();
options.authToken = newToken;
return authorizedRequest(request, options);
} catch (refreshTokenError: any) {
throw refreshTokenError;
throw fetchError;
Please review this and provide your valuable advice. Another thing that I have struggled with a lot is use of useAsyncData or useFetch for requests that don’t involve reactive values. These requests can be signup, login or requests that are needed to be sent on some user action. How should I use my fetch wrapper should I use it with useAsyncData for a much nicer error handling or use try catch Thank you very much
1 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 7/1/2024 in #❓・help
Type custom plugins
Hey everyone, I'm creating a custom algolia plugin to perform search. I want to know two things. 1. Is this a good usecase to create a plugin? or should i go for composable 2. how can we type custom plugins Thanks
2 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 5/19/2024 in #❓・help
Insert html in head
Hi there, I'm fetching some seo data from a wordpress plugin but it is returning string how can I insert that in the head, Thanks
14 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 5/13/2024 in #❓・help
getCachedData or swr: true
I'm using getCachedData for getting chached data but swr can also help with that which one is more helpful?
2 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 5/10/2024 in #❓・help
Run time config visible in page source
Hi everyone, I'm using public runtime config to store base url of my backend application but client doesn't want the url to be visible in the page source. Nuxt attaches public configs to window object and those are visible in page source. What can be the better way to sotre base url. I'm using graphql.
13 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 5/6/2024 in #❓・help
Design v-html content
Hi everyone, I wanted to ask what is correct and efficient way to design v-html content in nuxt. Thanks!
1 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 5/1/2024 in #❓・help
State Management Advice
Hi everyone, I have a lot of nesting components inside a single component in which I need to share the state that means I have to pass nested props that look kinda ugly to me and then the state is also shared among two components on the same page. Currently I'm using Pinia store but that makes it a global state that stays throughout the lifecycle of the whole app. I'm seeking any advice that anybody can give on this. Thanks for your time
3 replies
Created by Muhammad Awais on 4/3/2024 in #❓・help
useAsyncData weird behavior
No description
3 replies