Explore posts from serversNavigation Active class
Hello, I want to add the active-link class on NuxtLink in case i am navigate throw child of the parents as example i f i have reservations button after click on it it will be active and show all reservations but when i click on one of reservations the button will be no longer active but i want it to be active by other word the reservations button should be active in case of reservations url and reservations/slug
8 replies
Middleware cant access useCookie on server
Good day everyone, i am trying to use useCookie to store my passport access token then i added middleware to check if the token exist go a head and identify the user if not redirect him to register in it on local windows enviroment every thing work great but when i deployed on the server it always redirect me to register page even my token exist here is my code snipt
5 replies
Middleware doesn't print log
Here's a grammatically corrected version of your text:
Hello everyone, I am encountering a strange error in my middleware I created a middleware that redirects the user to the registration page if the authentication token does not exist or is invalid everything works fine on the Windows environment, and the server (Ubuntu environment) seems fine when I first log in allowing me to access the dashboard without any issue. However, when I refresh the page, I get redirected to the registration page, even though the token exists and is valid and After further investigation I found that the issue is in the last line of the code. I tried to print the error, but nothing is printed, even after I disabled the redirect. Interestingly, after disabling the redirect, the dashboard was able to use the token to identify the user.
5 replies
Dynamic Filter
I want to create dynamic filter like step filter example i have table pet and each pet have type and each type contain a group of species so what i want to do here to allow user to choose the type first then the species appear to him i tried that concept
the only reason that i used query() because it was the only thing that worked as a callback function and this approche worked but the problem is that he get the prev type as example if i have type 0 default ,1 ,2 if i changed type from 0 to 1 it will show species of 0 if i changed 1 to 2 it will show species of 1 and so one
3 replies
Notification broadcast
i read the filament notification broadcast i installed pusher successfully but the main problem that i cant find any channel occupied so do i have to do it manualy and if yes how to make filament refresh the notification when it receive a one
3 replies
Filepound stop working
I have filepound on a custom page this page is a chatroom so the user can send image by using filepound the main problem that when the user click on send btn its update the database as excepected but filepound stop working and i guess the probelm is when the filement update the blade it doesnt re run the scripts so anyone now how to handle that
2 replies
Add submit button to filament form in custom page
I have custom page called chat inside it i added filament form
the blade
i want to add submit button to the form where on click the form will validate then insert it to message table, i tried to search in filament form docs but i cant find any clue
3 replies
Filament Page
Hey guys, I am still new to filament and i have a quick question after read the filament page documentation
i only find an explaination on how to use filament page functions but i didn't find how can i can view this functions as example
this function should as far as know display a button called settings but after i use it directly in filament class nothing appeared so i found that i need to call actions in blade but i cant find any docs on how to do that so anyone have any idea where i can find this infos
19 replies
Filament Modal
I have a custom page contain button on click on that button i want modal to open i tried to use emit but it doesnt work
my blade code
my .php file
namespace App\Filament\Pages;
use Filament\Pages\Page;
use Filament\Forms;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
use Filament\Actions\Action;
class Members extends Page
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';
protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.members';
protected static ?string $navigationLabel = "members";
protected static ?string $title = "members";
protected ?string $heading = "";
public $showInvitationModal = true;
public function openModal()
$this->showInvitationModal = true;
public function closeModal()
$this->showInvitationModal = false;
6 replies