Dynamic Filter
I want to create dynamic filter like step filter example i have table pet and each pet have type and each type contain a group of species so what i want to do here to allow user to choose the type first then the species appear to him i tried that concept
the only reason that i used query() because it was the only thing that worked as a callback function and this approche worked but the problem is that he get the prev type as example if i have type 0 default ,1 ,2 if i changed type from 0 to 1 it will show species of 0 if i changed 1 to 2 it will show species of 1 and so one
1 Reply
I've done some similar stuff. You can use a combination of Get, hidden(), live(), and a function in your options()
Get - Gets another field's value
live() - lets the field update after load
hidden() - Use a function with some logic on pet_specie_id that uses Get to check pet_type_id. If pet_type_id is not set hide pet_specie_id
options() - again, use a function with logic in pet_specie_id that Gets pet_type_id and pulls the right option array.
There is probably a nicer way, but hope this puts you on the right path.
Also side note: if you add swift after the three backticks in your code block it will color code stuff like this:
Link to doco: