


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Nuxt + cloudinary in pnpm monorepo setup

Hello everyone, sorry for the probably trivial question but I'm quite new in the nuxt environment but I'm captivated by its community and tools 🙂 I succesfully installed and tested @nuxtjs/cloudinary plugin on a fresh project but I'm now struggling trying to import that inside a monorepo , where one "folder" is the nuxt app itself. I installed the plugin, but I get the following error once I import it. ...

Firebase error

I'm having troublue using Firebase with Nuxt, even following this video: I'm still getting the error: Error adding document: FirebaseError: Expected first argument to collection() to be a CollectionReference, a DocumentReference or FirebaseFirestore I use Firebase as a plugin using the following code: ...

The plugin is executed twice

Hello. I have the plugin (
), which generates (or refreshes) a token. But it is executed twice: on the server and on the client. But I need the plugin start only once. If it was executed on the server, it should not be executed on the client. But also I use SPA of this project for mobile app (Capacitor) and I can't to rename plugin to
because in this case the plugin have to start on the client. ...

VSCode - TS - Node import issue

Hey, there, my colleague and I are encountering some issue with the VS Code's TypeScript Server. 1.It seems node imports aren't recognized anymore. 2. Auto-Imports are broken. (See linked picture)...
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Challenges in Implementing Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Authentication and Refresh Token Logic

Hi everyone! I'm facing some major challenges with implementing SSR in my Nuxt.js app, which uses a Laravel backend as the main server. The main issues are around authentication and refresh token logic. Here's a quick summary: ...

useFetch will return "401 Unauthorized" on inital load

Hi, I am currently developing a frontend application using nuxt. The backend is made using ASP.NET and currently running in a docker container. When I login to my account in the backend, the login is saved in a cookie and this works fine. However when i use useFetch, I get 401 Unauthorized at first but when i go back and forth between the pages without reloading, I get the result I want. Just not on the initial load. The error goes away when I set server to false but I still only get the prope...

Nuxt ui Custom Color doesn't work

I'm trying to create a custom color for nuxt ui. i defined on tailwind config my primary color. and it nuxt ui wont create the color variables. do you have any idea ? ```js...
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Nuxt + Laravel Sanctum Socialite

Hello, im currently having a problem on socialite callback, i can login on the backend using Auth::login(), after loging in im redirecting it to the frontend, but still im not logged in on the front end, logging in using email password is working fine. im using This is the route for laravel...

Debug logs in the production environment

My application works fine in development mode, but after deploying it to the VPS, I found that Node frequently crashes. I want Node to print detailed logs, is this feasible?

nuxt3 + prisma + PostgreSQL deployment

Hello guys. I made an application on nuxt3 + prisma(PostgreSQL). At first, I developed the application locally and everything worked. But when I made a deployment on Vercel, something went wrong. My front-end is working (at least the registration and authorization pages), but apparently the APIs that are supposed to work with the database are not working. In the browser console, I get this error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier ".prisma/client/index-browser". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../". Please help. Here is the link to the github:

Nuxt UI loading-auto prop to show the loading icon automatically while the @click promise is pending

Hi taken from the (Nuxt UI docs)[] I should be able to add the prop loading-auto to the UButton to disable. I am using the button in a UForm and loading-auto is not working as expected because i guess the UButton is a type="submit" and not @click...


Hello. What is the correct way for reset styles in the Nuxt-project using post-normalize?

i18n - Error on redirects

So i need to find a configuration that always redirect the user to {locale}/path. Currently it redirects to /path which results in a 404 since i18n module requires the locale. Under normal circumstances this wouldnt be needed - i18n is configured to always redirect to a locale, however i dont have very clear why it redirects the user to /path when the user is already log in. It is likely a problem between the interaction of different modules since i have supabase auth module and i18n installed. ...

Issue when trying to add page transitions

I'm looking for help regarding page transitions in Nuxt. According to the Nuxt documentation, smooth page transitions can be achieved by setting the page transition properties. However, I've noticed that when loading the app or reloading the page, the transition effect does not occur. How can I resolve this issue or manually trigger the transition effect? Any insights or solutions would be appreciated!!!! ...

nuxt/ui tailwind intellisense not working

I just installed nuxt/ui and then tailwind intellisense doesn't work anymore on my project.

Responsive component property racing pinia store

I'm absolutely banging my head on this. I have the following. ```js const { inLibrary, inWishlist, inBlacklist, inTradelist } = useCollectionsStore(); // pinia store actions...

Import a list of images from public folder

the folder public/images has 9 images that I need to use in my script setup function. I don't wish to import all 9 images separately, can I import the entire folder?

pages onMounted hook being called twice when switching layouts in app.vue

Hello everyone, I am working on my first web app using Nuxt 3. In my app.vue I am using a computed property to determine the layout that will be bound to NuxtPage name property. I discovered that when I navigate from 1 page using default layout to another page using custom layout the onMounted hook is called twice. ...
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Is there a way to create a dynamic payload for static site?

I am creating a blog page and i need to fetch the content dynamically. Is there a way to do it with nuxt generate because my hosting provider doesn't support server. It's using cpanel and I cant make it work dynamically.