Explore posts from serversAdd google map with nuxt
Hi guys, do you have any idea on how to add google map with nuxt project ?
Both vue3-google-map and @fawmi/vue-google-maps doesn't work for me, got error like hydratation, or module doesn' t existe.
I'm starting to go crazy
35 replies
Use SplideJs with nuxt 3
Hi, i'm trying to use splide js on my nuxt3 app but i can't make it work well.
As the splide doc said, i registered the splide plugin like this :
now this is my splide integration:
But i got errors saying "Failed to resolve component: SplideSlide
If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement."
10 replies
Google Place API
Hi guys, it'm trying to create a google place autocomplete input for my nuxt app.
I'm struggling so hard on making it.
when i call the api when the user enter keys in the input i got cors error.
I'm not sure what i'm supposed to do, in order to keep safe my key too.
If someone have some tips i would be grateful.
10 replies
Add custom font with tailwind plugin
Hello guys, i'm struggling for 4 hours now on trying to import custom fonts on my project.
I try to add the font with a tailwind plugin (so i can just copy the plugin and change the fonts on my diferents projects)
But i can't make it work, the font class is created, but the font familly is not recognized.
I added all woff and woff2 files in my /asset/fonts/font_name/ folder
also i defined my font in tw theme:
then i tried several methods to add the font.
in the theme:
didn't worked,
with css :
didn't worked too.
I'm lost, it's patethic to be lost on "Font customization"
10 replies
•Created by sensitive-blue on 5/30/2024 in #ask-any-question
Refine projects
i just discover Refine, and i really want to use it to make my dashboard, but i already a "vanilla" dashboard with only a different route in my client(front) vite app.
If i start a Refine dashboard, how can i plug it to my client in order to only have 2 node server running instead of 3 (backend, dashboard and front)
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by Hugo on 9/26/2023 in #help
Select Entry in db with relational tables

24 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by Hugo on 9/15/2023 in #help
ForeignKey Too Long
Hi Drizzle Devs !
I would like to know if you are working on the functionnality to customize fk naming because i can't fully migrate because my foreign key is too long
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by Hugo on 9/15/2023 in #help
Drizzle workflow on schema modification
Hi, can someone explain me the process to follow when we modify the schema to push modifications to database please.
I'm working on 2 computers, and when i modify schema like adding constraints, when i go to my second computer, i run
drizzle-kit introspect:mysql and push:mysql but no modifications are added, also if i drop my table and recreate it with drizzle push:mysl, constraints are not added to my tables.
I think feel verry dumb because i can't understand how to work with drizzle when we make modifications.
also when i use generate:mysql there is no changes
7 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by Hugo on 9/11/2023 in #help
Is it good to use UUID as primary key ?
Hi, i want to define manually an id for my entry to be able to create at tame time a folder with same id.
So using uuid can be a problem ?
or maybe i have to get a normal id used for everything, and a uuid used to identify my entry in folders (for images) and for client supports ?
39 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by Hugo on 8/29/2023 in #help
Zod schema validation from Drizzle schema

4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by Hugo on 8/27/2023 in #help
Get database informations inside 'use client' component
Hello, i would like to display categories from my database in my 'use client" component, how can i do ?
i don't understand why i have this error when calling database:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'net'
16 replies
•Created by rare-sapphire on 7/1/2023 in #ask-any-question
[GSI_LOGGER]: The given origin is not allowed for the given client ID.

15 replies