Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







vscode ssh trouble on windows

first time posting so hopefully this is the right place. I'm trying to connect vscode to my server host because I'm fed up with using the cpanel editor (🤢 I know it's been too long). But I keep getting resolve issues where it can't find the private key. I can connect perfectly fine with putty, so I know the keys are working. Openssh and putty are both active. The file name/path are correct (unless I've lost my mind) under IdentityFile, and HostName, User, and Port are also defined (and confirmed as correct with normal ssh). ...

Keybinding to a specific task

Probably a newbie question, but can I create a keybinding to a specific task? Like I'd want a shortcut for running npm dev in an astro project

Deploying Gituhb Pages to Cloudflare subdirectory

I currently have my frontend-mentor challenges at I'd like to be able to deploy it to my site at something like Can I do that on Cloudflare? I'm currently using Astro and I have the base set to /frontend-mentor-challenges.

Safari 17 Responsive Design Mode 😞

Hey there everyone! I bet most of you use Chrome. But I love Safari. If that is you too... Are you as bummed as me with the changes to Safari 17 Responsive Design Mode? It would be great if you logged into the Apple Developer forums and let them know by commenting on this thread.

Word Wrap

Hello! this is off topic, i really need ur help guys. I just want my codes looking good on vs code and here's the problem: Every time I insert a paragraphs of text and save it with word wrap on the content of my paragraphs going like this (first photo). And when i turn off the word wrap it goes like this (second photo). I want my paragraphs to be like justify like the second photo with word wrap is on. How am i going to fix it? Thanks!

Updates are disabled

Recently, I found out that I had both user and system versions of vs code and the one I had been using was user version. I uninstalled the system version and manually updated the user version. Now I am receiving this message. What should I do? I am the only one using this laptop.
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Dropbox and One Drive not backing up my files

Hello I ran an a prototype of a game on my PC and ever since then my desktop has been messed up. I have been trying to use Dropbox to backup my files so I could send it into repair but it has been stuck at 99 files for days now. Anyone knows what I can do?

Google's Core Web Vitals audit all pages

Is there a way to get an audit of every page on the website without manually going through each page on PageSpeed Insights?

Webpack config tried to config webpack for three.js with react need help...

How to stop webpage from repositioning when I edit a css file?

When I edit a css file this is what happens. In this case I didn't even make an edit i just hit enter in my css file. I'm using the live server extension in vscode if that matters....

Netlify and node js

I am trying to serve my blog website on netlify, its a node js server that runs everything, how can I get it to run? I am unsure of what my configuration should look like, and it failed my building. Build settings are attached below:
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Figma Toolbar Text-Size adjustment?

Hi folks, does anybody know offhand how to increase the text size in the toolbars? All my searches are giving me information on how to increase text size in the actual design docs, but what I'd really like is to not have miniature font on the actual tool bars while trying to design. Thanks so much in advance

AWS Code Commit Automatic Pull Requests

Hi there, I am hoping someone will be able to help me with setting up automatic pull request creation for AWS code commit. Thanks in advance Kind Regards ...

open with live server problem

i downloaded the live server extension, when i try to open code in live server this checkbox comes up, i click it it downloads my html code. my understanding is the live server is supposed to display what the website should look like.
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Edit file on Filezilla

I am try to edit my files on filezilla but when i set permission i received this error" command not understood".
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vscode git problem

vscode says I have untracked files within a folder, but doesn't show any of the files in that folder as modified! Usually git lists specific files as modified, not entire folders... This is what I'm seeing: (git add . is not working) ```...

how can i use English autocomplete in vscode

!gif like IntelliSense but for english in markdown files...

"no bootable device" after creating disk image with clonezilla (debian 12)

Hello :), i made a debian 12 home webserver from my old laptop so i can use it as a work environment. everything worked as i wanted, so i decided to make an image of my system as a backup. i used clonezilla for the image but now my system doesnt want to boot. it says no bootable device. i noticed that my system drive is in the legacy tab and not the uefi tab. i tried debian 12 rescue mode but i dont really understand it. does anyone have some tips how i can fix this by chance?


Hello, I'm getting confused with installing Tailwind, especially when it comes to using PostCSS. If I installed the Tailwind CLI and then I want to install Tailwind using PostCSS, do I need to repeat the command? as of know I'm trying to start to learn the tailwind.
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How would one create a "side branch" in git/github and commit to it?

Friend wants to check all of my code that I'm stuck on but asked me to upload it to a side-branch to avoid pushing bad code into my main (understandable). I've never done this and google wasn't that helpful, any advise? I'm sure it's fairly simple!