Hello, I'm getting confused with installing Tailwind, especially when it comes to using PostCSS. If I installed the Tailwind CLI and then I want to install Tailwind using PostCSS, do I need to repeat the command? as of know I'm trying to start to learn the tailwind.

2 Replies
and also do I need to create my own CSS to have content inside my files, or are there commands to buildit or source code, similar to your utilities like font-size and styles, and other CSS styles you have? like example of sir kevin

Hi, as far as I know, you only need one method to install tailwindcss, in you case to install tailwindcss using postcss you can follow the official documentation here , unless you want to build a non node based project, you will hardly need tailwindcss cli.
If you want to include your own css file, add the link tag in your html file to your css file. I don't know what framework/library do you use, but you can consult your framework/library 's documentation on how to add css file to your project.
Install Tailwind CSS using PostCSS - Tailwind CSS
Installing Tailwind CSS as a PostCSS plugin is the most seamless way to integrate it with build tools like webpack, Rollup, Vite, and Parcel.