Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







UX opinion

i made this linktree style website in neumorphic design, but i think its too easy to get lost which one is a button to show a "dropdown" and which one is a link, i made these dots to indicate that but its still pretty hard to understand that
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Design opinion

I would like to know your opinion about this layout for an ecommerce store
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User profile UI feedback

Hi, I'm looking for some feedback for this user profile UI that I've designed. These are 2 slightly different versions. The difference is just a position of a icon button that opens a modal to delete user's credit. I'm looking for advice generally for the whole page, but also want to know which position for the button is better, or if you have any other ideas, where might it go?
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What colors go good with this type of gray?

Hey there! I've created this nice landing-page for my portfolio and borrowed this background theme but I'm having a hard time matching the rest of my sections on the page with this gray what would you guys recommend?
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Portfolio Feedback

Hey, guys I recently finished my portfolio and would like to share the final result here to receive feedback. My idea was to do something a little different and more interactive. Here is the result:

Begginer in Design UI/UX

Hey guys, I have recently developed several front end projects with html css vanilla etc, would like to focus a little more on learning a little bit about design, use the figma etc, is there something channel that advise me or something where to start?

landing page UI feedback

I am redesigning a landing page for my side project, what do you thing of the colors and contrast, and what can I add also, it is still pretty small.
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Need Help with Design

Hey guys I was building a website for a medical university, and I started by creating a design and prototype of the website by using Figma. But I'm not quite satisfied with my designs specially with the "Faculty" Page. Can u guys help me out with the designs, I really would appreciate if u can point out what makes the design bad and what specific things to improve, thanks a lot!
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documentaion ui ?

how i can make my documentaion ui better is any feedback
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Looking for wp plugin suggestions

Greetings, I am looking for suggestions for an assessment tool plugin. Essentially a survey that generated a detailed report for every survey taken, not compile it into a general statistics. Thanks.

How to make a Webdesign?

I am an amateur in webdesign, meaning I have never really learned and don't have much experience, but I certainly try to learn every day more about webdesign. I think I know which steps are required and necessary to create a complete design, so my question is if I am going the right direction with my considerations or am I overthinking webdesign?

Feedback and suggestions

Hey, just asking on some feedback on the following forms. Just ways to improve user experience and to make them look a bit more tidy. Unfortunately the HTML is automatically generated so I'm unable to update the structure of the output HTML....
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How do I find out how to create and conduct surveys and interviews in UX?

I struggle how to conduct good and efficient interviews and surveys. Is there a good textbook with theory and practice?

Need ideas for news archive naivgation.

Hello all. My site has a news article section and I am struggling to figure out a good navigation for the archive. Right now what I have is that when you click the link to "News/Announcements Archive" it takes you to a man page that will load the last 5 news snippits on the mian content area and then at the bottom is a baisc calender table so you can click a link for each month of a particular year and get a page with all the snippits from the news taht month. To me this looks bland and as it sits on the bottom of the page kind of hard to find and navigate. I tried looking around for some inspiration but I guess I can't find the right search terms becasue what I usally find is not relavant or really old articles with mosly broken images. I am hoping that maybe you guys might have some good ideas or sites I can look at for some inspiration of a good system that would work in both mobile and desktop. If you want to see how it currently looks you can at and if this is out of scope for this I appologize and will remove....

What's the expected behaviour of a Mobile Nav Menu ?

Code Pen: From a UI perspective, what's the expected behaviour on a Mobile device when a user has the mobile nav menu open ? Currently when the mobile menu is open the users can still scroll and see the webpage move in the background, is this a good user exeperience ? or should they not be able to scroll ?...

tools that might help overcome design, color, and css issues for projects

sadly I just stink at CSS, layouts, and colors and other design things. Who would've thought that building a bunch of boxes could be some troublesome :P. I've been trying to figure out things and I've been trying to get those skills together with each project but it never clicks. With that being said, is there any tools that can help with design, colors, and the css side of things so I can focus more on the BE and some FE for any full stack projects I do?

getting ideas for projects

so i know html and css (still learning js tho) and but i can't really seem to get ideas for projects, like hover effects, animated buttons, colours, fonts, layouts and probably everything, i can't seem to find any videos on yt talking about this either.

Scrollbar with Dropdown

someone know how to make this dropdown get pass the
[overflow-x: auto;]
[overflow-x: auto;]
from this css...
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