Looking for inspiration on nice background for my website

Hello. I love background dub.co has on their website. It's like you can barely see it but it just adds nice feeling when you're there. Does anyone know some other websites with similar background gradient and grid? I'd like to use them for one of my projects, so might as well find some more inspiration on colors and stuff.
Dub.co - Link Management for Modern Marketing Teams
Dub.co is the open-source link management infrastructure for modern marketing teams to create, share, and track short links.
2 Replies
ἔρως9mo ago
https://ui.aceternity.com/components/grid-and-dot-backgrounds <-- probably a modified version of something like this the website does use tailwind (i can see it by the disgusting classes)
Shane9mo ago
Cobalt | Unleash the power of intuitive finance
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