Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time šŸ™‚.







Side Bar Shape

Hi, Hope everyone is doing well. Can anyone please give me tips on how to design this side bar shape using css [tailwind, mui, bootstrap or plain css] Thanks...
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ui ux design

hello guys , i hope you are doing well , im working right now at may healthy food app and i know there is a lot of mistakes so , just tell me if i continue with this idea or , i must change it
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NVDA doesn't see buttons inside a popup

I have a part of UI (shown in the screen below) that consists of this user icon and some additional options inside a popup below. The popup isn't visible all the time, it only shows when you click the user icon. Since I've been writing this app in Vue, the popup's appearence is controlled by the v-if directive. Since it seems to matter, I'll explain briefly how v-if and v-show work in Vue, for those who don't know Vue: * v-if removes the element from the DOM (when a given condition isn't met) * v-show only adds/removes display: none; to the element...
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Creating Contact section for my portfolio

I wanted to get feedback for one of the sections I have in my portfolio, I'm currently doing it in frontend and was hoping I could get insights into things I could improve on. The first part of the section I like since is simple and minimalistic which is what I'm going for (First image, where it says "Let's work together"), The parts below that are the ones I feel could use some improvements. The part with the star in the middle, I'm not sure about the colors and if they fit well to the overall theme, I do like it since it divides the first simple part with the bottom section which is a form, and it creates space between them. I Have also provide 2 images of this star of variations but any suggestions would help....
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link - button accessibility?

is it OK to style a link like a button from an accessible standpoint?

Need feedback on design for my site

Hey folks, I'm working on my site to start offering web development services to local businesses. I've got the main page design here so far and I'd love some feedback on it. Anything and everything is game. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
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High contrast text over a carousel ?

Hi, I'm doing a carousel for a hero section. I want to include some text before a CTA on top of the carousel. I find myself not satisfied with the legibility of the text on top of the image/videos. I was wondering if there were good practices when approaching such a task. I've tried to work with text-shadow, mix-blend-mode, darken the images or place a card. Couldn't find a way to make something simple and impactful. How would you do that ? I think maybe the best solution is strong editorial guidelines for the pictures, but on that use case it's guaranteed to fail....

UX: Login/Sign in modal for scripts turned on, separate page for when turned off

As the title says. I'm thinking of doing a progressive enhancement where if a user has Javascript turned off, a "sign in" anchor tag will take them to a separate page. If Javascript is turned on, preventdefault kicks in and instead it opens a modal on the same page - which means less navigation. Also combining this with the cutting edge framework Qwik would make the added javascript not a big deal at all since it lazy loads. Is this a good idea for UX?...
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Placing items at specific position in page without using position: absolute

Is there a way to place content at a specific position on the screen without using position: absolute or position: fixed and setting a value for top? For example, as shown in the screenshot I posted with the message. Any help would be appreciated.
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Need UI/UX design review for a Photography Studio website

This is a single page website that I designed for fun and practice. What do you guys think of it? There are a few questions that I want to ask you about this: What feeling do you get from this design? What do you think of the fonts and colors used in this? What do you feel about hero section design? Please answer these questions and comment as you feel like. Thanks in advance....
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Suggestions for About Me section Either layout suggestions, or topics I could cover, and if it should have an image or not. Or anything that you guys might think of....

Finished Gym Website

Hey guys, I'd like to take a look at my website, I found a GYMin my area that doesn't have a website I decided to create one to practice and how do I think it has potential I'll send to them to see if they're interested, any tips to succeed? Website Link: šŸ™‚...
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Landing page design suggestion

I am a backend developer and now i am trying frontend. But i am very bad at choosing colors and fonts. Can you suggest me some fonts for this page i created and some feedback to make it more better
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File Structure

Quick question for you all, is there a best practices for where to keep the assets folder in a project? I'm torn between putting it in /src or /public. Thanks!

Fitness crossfit Web Design Opinion

Person would like to give me your opinion about this landing page that I am developing, principally at the level of the hero section that I do not have great ideas, I started to apply the 8 point rule in the design to try to be more consistent, it continues with some errors but I am very badly satisfied with this design compared to the last.
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Editor x

hey guys i would like to know if someone ever build a website in editor x?

Font suggestions

Anyone have some font suggestions for a skateboard-adjacent company? Using Mayhem for the heading (which I'd like to keep, but open to alternatives), and Quicksand for the body text. Not really liking Quicksand here as I don't think it meshes well with the current heading font
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Profile design review

Hi! This is a design for the profile viewing page on a digital marketplace site I'm building. This is just the "Change Password" portion of it so far. Any feedback design wise or even functionality wise would be much appreciated! Also, I do have a separate navbar, and the one here is just a placeholder.
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