Explore posts from serversHow to run nitro task on cloudflare ?
I have deployed a site on cloudflare using nuxt hub. I have on it a task, specified to run every hour.
However I realized that task isn't triggered on production on cloudflare.
Here is my config on nuxt.config.ts :
5 replies
Help debugging - illegal invocation rejection - nuxt hub
Yesterday while starting my project in dev, I got "illegal invocation" error from Nitro and so far I was unable to identify the issue or do a reproduction.
I need help identifying the issue please.
Here is the message I'm having in the terminal :
It seems to happen when an /api/ route is requested. On the frontend it throws a 404 in the javascript console.
By checking my commit history, I was also not able to identify anything meaningful around that date. I did update dependencies, but reversing that update or reproducing such update on an empty project did nothing.
10 replies
How to use Lucia with Nuxt Hub ? (error: missing cloudflare db binding)
As the title suggest, I have the following error :
I tried to implement as per the documentation of Lucia, with some changes.
- https://hub.nuxt.com/docs/recipes/drizzle#usedrizzle
- https://lucia-auth.com/database/drizzle
- https://lucia-auth.com/getting-started/nuxt
Definition of hubDatabase() with similar error on line 38 : https://github.com/nuxt-hub/core/blob/main/src/runtime/server/utils/database.ts
reproduction link : https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/rktmatt/help-drizzle-nuxt-hub
80 replies
Nuxt UI Form @keyup.enter sending an undefined event.data
I recently switched to Nuxt UI and it has been a great experience.
I'm having an issue with the forms though. I have two issues :
1. Sometimes the Zod errors aren't displayed
2. @keyup.enter sends an undefined event.data
Here is the code :
6 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by takburger on 9/12/2023 in #ui-ux
High contrast text over a carousel ?
Hi, I'm doing a carousel for a hero section. I want to include some text before a CTA on top of the carousel. I find myself not satisfied with the legibility of the text on top of the image/videos. I was wondering if there were good practices when approaching such a task.
I've tried to work with text-shadow, mix-blend-mode, darken the images or place a card. Couldn't find a way to make something simple and impactful. How would you do that ? I think maybe the best solution is strong editorial guidelines for the pictures, but on that use case it's guaranteed to fail.
9 replies